Author Topic: Bomber Toughness  (Read 229 times)

Offline Joc

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Bomber Toughness
« on: July 31, 2002, 05:36:33 AM »
Just had all three of my Lancasters taken out in one pass by a Spitfire ,happily,Ive never saw combat in a real Lancaster,but surely to god they were able to withstand slightly more damage than this??????? PLEASE can we have bombers toughened up a lot more for next update? my .50s in rear turret seem to have no effect on bloody fighters,flying bombers at the minute is a major health risk!

Offline Wotan

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Bomber Toughness
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2002, 06:13:39 AM »
agreed 100%

bombers seem to be extremely weak over all.

Offline Innominate

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Bomber Toughness
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2002, 06:19:37 AM »
It's caused by a bug.  Sometimes fatal damage to one plane carries over to the other two.

Offline brady

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Bomber Toughness
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2002, 06:21:25 AM »
WOTAN what the H!ll are u doing! I have gotn so many easy kills from this I am all kinds of happy! are you pissing in my wheaties!:)

  Seriously, I never looked at bombers as so easy to kill as they are now, it is almost rediculious. The 3 formation flights just come apart it seams, much easer than I would of thought.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2002, 06:57:06 AM »

wheaties??? aint it like 4 am there? :)

I could refer them to Raubs post where he quoted that book saying gunners firing on the ground at a fixed target 600 yards away created a pattern of 35 ft.

Side gunners at 600 yrds had a 65 foot pattern. I could tell um to ask the guy in my squad whos dad flew b24s and said most bomber gunners didnt hit anything. Or if the Sturmgruppen page was still up I could quote numerous sturmjaeger pilots stating how they would attack formations from 6oc and fly right up the arse of the formation to 250 yrds and kill the tail gunner then work over the bombers left inboard eng and wing root to watch viermont drop its left wing and catch fire and spiral into the ground from 23k. Then to set up and do it again on the next one.

If that would make you feel better I might think about it. :)

Offline crowbaby

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Bomber Toughness
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2002, 07:40:21 AM »
...another thought i just had.

I do harp on about this, but, if fighters' guns overheated realistically after long bursts, this would make attacking a bomber more of a precision job - as it is you can just swoop through their formation at high speed with your finger on the trigger and have a good chance of knocking one down.

I would probably argue against the bomber's guns overheating though - it's hard enough already for defenders to jump from turret to turret and plane to plane.

Offline Xjazz

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Bomber Toughness
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2002, 07:50:56 AM »
Maybe AH plane guns power multiplier is litlebit high...

Offline Packy

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Re: Bomber Toughness
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2002, 11:35:18 AM »
Originally posted by Joc
Just had all three of my Lancasters taken out in one pass by a Spitfire ,happily,Ive never saw combat in a real Lancaster,but surely to god they were able to withstand slightly more damage than this??????? PLEASE can we have bombers toughened up a lot more for next update? my .50s in rear turret seem to have no effect on bloody fighters,flying bombers at the minute is a major health risk!

hey joc,

A similar event happened to me when I first started AH back in April/May.  I asked a similar question here on the BBS and received many responses and pics regarding the weakness of AH bombers.  After seeing many posted pics of buffs (mostly B17s) shot up badly but still able to fly 600 miles I also think the buffs are modeled weakly.  

I wonder if anyone has reliable stats about the effects of "magic bullets" (i.e.  one pass being able to take down a buff by hitting a crucial part of the plane)?

Any offical word on this subject from AH?

Offline BOOT

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Bomber Toughness
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2002, 11:45:23 AM »
They Have to be easier to kill...
Because I'm starting to Kill them :D

Seriously....  I am able to attack buffs from almost any angle now and get kills... That was not the case prior to v 1.10...