Author Topic: Training Arena?  (Read 535 times)

Offline Shamus

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Training Arena?
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2000, 11:35:00 AM »
Ahhh yes, I remember my first expirence in flight sims back in november,good old beta. Take off follow a green guy till I saw a red guy, get shot down, repeat all night (red guys 18 Shamus 0).

Day two: (red guys 27 Shamus 0). Son inquires "ya shoot anybody down yet Pop hehehe". Yer room and board can be increased you know Trell (son shuts up and leaves room).

Day three: (red guys 3 Shamus..... hey wait somthing just fell off the back of that 51 and he's flying kinda funny like, Shamus killed *****, now that wasnt so hard  

Went into thr TA last night and even over a1 a lot of the older hands were flying drone for some of the newbies so's they could practice gunnery,(I was flying drone for Nash but thats another story)  .

I think the TA is doing a fine job for the new guys and seems to self regulate quite nicly.

The Fighting Meese

[This message has been edited by Shamus (edited 04-25-2000).]
one of the cats

FSO Jagdgeschwader 11

Offline Minotaur

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Training Arena?
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2000, 12:00:00 PM »

I had to laugh at your post, but not to mock you.  I often remember those early days of AW.  I simply had no clue of what to do and I was generally too embarassed to ask.  The Beginners Arena there was empty almost all the time.  

My flights consisted of:
  • Take Off
  • Turn left
  • Fly 20 minutes
  • Get shot down in 15 seconds
  • Repeat

So......  Not much has changed.  

I really have to agree with Citabria.  FFA is and should have its place.  IMO a total blast.  Flight times are short, often 2 minutes or less to the action.  No score is kept and you can try any thing out to see if it works.  If it don't, your next fight is 2 minutes away.  Addtionally, the best method of improving gunnery that I have found.

The only regret is that concerning the TA, it bleeds over to individuals wanting to stay out of it.  This is one area that the vets of AH can contribute.  Pass the word along!  

The Wrecking Crew

Offline Exile

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Training Arena?
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2000, 12:17:00 PM »
One thing that helped alot in AW was that the Trainers and Arena Moderators had posted schedules. You could look at the schedule and see who was supposed to be where at any given time. That way you knew who to go to if you needed help in the arenas or you when to show up for "organized" training sessions.

Ex ...............

Offline Kutt

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Training Arena?
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2000, 02:23:00 PM »
I'm a certified newbie. I'm still in my 2 week trial period. If anybody is interested in a nuggets opinion here it goes. I went into the training arena and was promptly blasted out of the sky. I didn't get upset, I suspected that there was a good chance that I would be shot down at sometime in my AH career  . I asked for help and was given excellent assistance on 2 different occasions (Thanks Mino and Kieren). After two training sessions I started hanging around at field 1 to jump into the free for all. There were many times that I was jumped by someone who had more E than myself. These were not fair fights, but what I learned many things from these fights. I found in the MA the enemy is rarely interested in ensuring that you get a fair fight. I was able to evade a few of these attacks and turn the tables on my opponent. Great training and a whole lot of FUN! This has been my experience in the TA. The MA for me has been confusion and frustration. Fly 20 min and die. I don't think there is a problem with the game, I just think I need more practice. I'm not exactly sure what is trying to be changed in the TA, so I can't honestly say I'm against it. I can just say that the TA the way it is has been very fun and educational.

Looking for a wingman,

Offline Nash

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Training Arena?
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2000, 02:59:00 PM »
<S!> Kutt. With this kind of attitude, you won't remain a 'newbie' for long. As far as what they are changing in the TA, I have no idea. To be honest, Indian's post kind of alarmed me. I think the TA is fine the way it is.

If they try to isolate the fighting from the teaching (seperate arenas, for example), they would be making a huge mistake, imho. Currently, instruction can and does take place unhindered at any field. If they make it more difficult to wander back to the FFA field (that's assuming they even let us KEEP the FFA field) in order to put theory into practice, a good 90% of the real education gets tossed out the window.

Indian, can ya give us any word on what you fine folks have in mind?  


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Training Arena?
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2000, 05:23:00 PM »
I think sour has a valid claim, and it was adressed by the trainers and the HTC crew. They'll come up with something I'm sure.

These are exceptions to the rule, done by mostly newbies who don't know what's going on and it's adressed pretty quickly most of the time. The trainers are doing a wonderfull job in there    


Pongo is right, the FFA issue in the training arena is a bit of a luxury problem. Most of us went through this without training arena (even the WB crowd had to adjust to the new FM). My first weeks in beta .33 where also of the take off fly 10 min get shot down type    . Then you settle in get some help from the vets (leph, hollywd, etc) and learn the sim. Same happens now too.

I was in the TA a few days ago and was helping a newbie (harppa I think), and then went on to witness kieren train with kutt (they were on an off field and were not bothered at all). Guys like kutt don't stay newbie long... they get shot down, tough it up and get going again... If you realy like the game you stay (even if you get shot down alot in the beginning).

[This message has been edited by JENG (edited 04-25-2000).]

[This message has been edited by JENG (edited 04-25-2000).]

Offline easymo

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Training Arena?
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2000, 06:12:00 PM »
 Half the time there,s nothing to shoot at in the main, but ack wagons and pickup trucks. Devoting one field to furballing,in the TA, is not to much to ask IMHO.

Offline Mighty1

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Training Arena?
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2000, 08:45:00 AM »
I spend alot of my time in the TA(not a trainer but try to help as much as I can) and there IS a problem but I think when the trainers have more control the problem will go away.

I've seen so called "Vets"(normally the same few guys) go into the TA just to pick on the new guys and don't seem to care if the new guys are having problems or not.

I think WW's post has some valid points but I also think that if he is going to quit because of the TA then he never planned on staying anyway.

I've heard several complaints about the FFA in the TA and how the trainers train but I feel that at some time the newbies have to learn what it's like to be in a FFA environment(as long as it is confined to a few bases).

The New Baby Harp Seals

"Come try to club THIS Seal"
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.


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Training Arena?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2000, 05:09:00 PM »
I think that the Training Arena should have undamagable aircraft.  Problem solved.  It would be ideal if damage could be listed, but have no effect on aircraft performance.
Duels could be fought in the Special Events Arena.H

Offline Nash

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Training Arena?
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2000, 08:26:00 PM »
Hmm... Let's see.... Uhmm..?....



Offline easymo

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Training Arena?
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2000, 11:03:00 PM »
 Well something got to give on this essue, and I think we would all agree, the need for new blood, and there need for training, should take precedence over just haveing fun.

 I gave H2H a shot, and found that 8 guys is a pretty good size furball. Those of us that like it should do more hosting. Ill try to do so. I have cable and a fairly fast puter.

[This message has been edited by easymo (edited 04-26-2000).]

Offline Nash

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Training Arena?
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2000, 12:42:00 AM »
I agree easymo... but something has already 'given' (nice word, huh?   ). An intro screen was implemented outlining a code of conduct, and we have just reached a consensus with the trainers regarding the establishment of an anything goes FFA field. Except for the odd infraction, I think this pretty much solves the problem, and this issue is as good as put ta bed.

Pyro et al, when ya get around to reflecting this on the intro screen , the deal is done   Currently, A1 remains the FFA feild, as well as the source of confusion.

Offline Cleaner

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Training Arena?
« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2000, 08:28:00 AM »
I like the way TA is ran now as well. Flew in there last night and had a blast, I mean Citi and Fariz had a blast killing me. But hey I learned alot of new tricks and refreshed myself on some of the old ones. Something you really can't do in the main arena, also when ever a newbie came in with a question everyone jumped in to assist him. My feeling is TA is a place for the novice and experienced pilot to both learn, there is always someone with a better move then you   how else can you learn to counter it.

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Offline Ripsnort

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Training Arena?
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2000, 08:46:00 AM »
Cleaner, if you learned from Fariz and Cita last night, then you have a good base.  They are two of the best flyers in AH IMO.

When I logged in there last night, I saw 10 veterans (Fariz and Cita included) and 1 name I hadn't seen.  Made my job easier!  Logged and went to bed! (Damn colds, why don't they require kids to wear breathing apparatus to school to prevent bringing colds  home to mom and dad?!?   )

JG2 Communications Officer
Aces High Training Corps
JG2 "Richthofen"
Too often, we lose sight of life's simple pleasures.  Remember, when
someone annoys you it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it
only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm, grasp the joystick button,
and shoot the sucker down!

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Offline Minotaur

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Training Arena?
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2000, 10:05:00 AM »
Originally posted by Mighty1:


I've seen so called "Vets"(normally the same few guys) go into the TA just to pick on the new guys and don't seem to care if the new guys are having problems or not.


Mino Says:  The MA teaches us to be ruthless and uncaring.  Leave that attitude at the door when you step into the TA.


To re-explain my earlier post about how the AH vets can help out.  If you are in the TA pay attention.  IMO most people who have played even a short time can spot a "Baby Seal".  Don't slaughter the Baby Seals in the TA.  Let them grow up to Adult Seals where they can swim into the MA and then be slaughtered.    

One techique that works is if you don't know for sure.  Buzz them a few times and DON'T SHOOT.  Watch how they react.  If they don't react as a vet would or they don't try to shoot back, then don't shoot at them.  At this point, do the right thing.  Leave them alone or give them a helping hand.

Another techique is to ask the question "Is Everyone OK with the Free for All?" or "Is it OK to Engage You?".  This works the best IMO, but often times new people have a problem with the radio.

Be a good vet in the TA and help save that Baby Seal.  It will make the game better for us all!    

The Wrecking Crew

[This message has been edited by Minotaur (edited 04-27-2000).]