Then why is alcohol and smokes continually brought up as an excuse? To justify the War, you have the analyse its purpose. Why we have to fight it in the first place. Why it has a market. etc. Hence the broadening of the thread.
As an excuse? You mean like "You drink and smoke cigarettes, why are you telling me I can't smoke marijuana?"
If that's the case, just look at that sentence. You (used figuratively) are telling me that I shouldn't smoke.. because... I assume it's because it's bad for me (no argument there).. so by that same token, how can you tell me that I can't do it? Alcohol and tobacco are equally as bad. If you don't believe me, read the next paragraph.
In your humble opinion. I share a completely different humble opinion..
Actually, not my opinion- straight up facts. But don't take it from me, take it from federally sanctioned tests. Here...
Cannabis (includes Marijuana, THC, Hashish and Hash Oil) Effects of Overdose: Anxiety, paranoia, loss of concentration, slower moevements, time distortion.
Uh.... that's dangerous?
Depressants (includes Alcohol, Barbituates, Methqalone, Tranquilizers) Effects of Overdose: Shallow respiration, cold and clammy skin, dialated pupils, weak and rapid pulse, coma, possible death
Errr...... I've actually seen that very last grouping of words happen to someone very close to me due to alcoholism. So don't ever tell me marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol "in my opinion"... it ain't my opinion, it's the straight up facts.
I can see why information is bad. But then again, wasnt the cry for information the purpose of your arguement, not so many posts ago? Selective information only appears acceptable. Truth vs BS.
What? I've got loads of information, but since you have already admitted that you won't take anyone's word, then I naturally assumed posting information from doctors and other government funded studies would be a waste of my time. Oh, and yeah, all of the information I have agrees with each other. Marijuana ain't good for you, but it's no worse than alcohol or cigarettes in terms of the damage done to your body or in terms of it's psychoactive effects on the human brain.
I'm not telling you not to do anything. I'm telling you WHY you shouldnt. Its all overtime for me and no skin off my nose.
I know perfectly well WHY I shouldn't do it. Hell man, if you really think about it- day to day life isn't exactly what you SHOULD do. I work in DC, the threat of another terrorist attack is very real. I could die anyday, does that mean I shouldn't go to work? Fatal traffic accidents happen daily, especially in the DC metro area- does that mean I shouldn't drive anymore? I could walk into a 7-Eleven at the wrong place at the wrong time and get a bullet into my chest due to a robbery taking place, does this mean I shouldn't go to 7-Eleven?
Everyday life can result in death or mysery, does this mean I should just give up on life because... well toejam, I'm gonna die anyway?
You know me well enough by now SW to know that I rarely listen to anybody and my own opinions are generally formed on my own and well entrenched despite overwhelming popular opinion.
True, but when your line of work is to defend laws, no matter how silly they are, you will more than likely gravitate towards the laws being right... no matter how well of an argument someone could put forth. I won't fault you for that, I just hope you'll realize what I'm saying isn't something I put together after 4 bong hits, a joint, a Bob Marley CD and watching "Half Baked"... what I have come to learn is through many sources, ranging from the government to rehab centers.. you'd think they would have nothing but lies and propoganda, but surprisingly this information isn't biased.