Author Topic: Weirness in the MA  (Read 169 times)

Offline wklink

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Weirness in the MA
« on: August 06, 2002, 11:49:43 PM »
Flew back to back missions, first time was in the process of being jumped (he had me dead to rights) by an f4u and all of a sudden my joystick locked in the back up view and i spiraled into the ocean.

Ok, thought maybe a pilot kill or some weirdness but it happened again another time and I wasn't near anyone.  I lost all control of the aircraft and spiraled into the ocean.  It then did the funky look back thing in the tower.  I also heard a bunch of 'plunk' like sounds when it was happening.  It sounded more like a windows thing than a AH thing.

I logged out of AH and tried to get back in and it wouldn't let me back into the arenas-times out.  I didn't have a single problem last night or in the CT earlier


Athlon XP2100
512megs ddr
GeForce ti 4600
Cable connect
TM Cougar
The artist formerly known as Tom 'Wklink' Cofield