Author Topic: Whine of the Rude  (Read 210 times)

Offline Rude

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Whine of the Rude
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2002, 08:32:45 AM »
Originally posted by ergRTC
This crap is completely bs.

First of all, the whine was justified.  We all know it happens.  

Second, I fly on a fricking 5 year old modem and tend to have great ping times and rarely have odd things happen in the game.  Yet!  I have seen planes fly with 1 wing and do loops, I have seen planes fly and shoot backwards, I have seen planes appear out of nowhere and dissappear again.  I have rarely mentioned this, but does mentioning this make me a communist?  

You guys need to stop licking the presidents balls.

If you choose to belittle others for mentioning something that does exist, and that should be brought to the attention of the game manufacturers dont do it like a fricking idiot.  This is not a 'your cheating thread'.

"Back when I was in school, I had to walk up hill both ways...."

First of all, during my lifetime, I can't say I've ever had a single thought regarding ball licking.

Secondly, if you have not figured this out yet, perhaps this will help....I don't do this to solicit your is entirely for my personal amusement.

And Hang? It's not my fault that everyone is in such a happy mood...I have a feeling that it won't last for long:)

Offline LePaul

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Whine of the Rude
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2002, 09:51:41 AM »
Rude AKA "Michael Jordan" just keeps coming outta retirement ;)

For what its worth, my average ping is 140ms via dialup.  I don't see these backwards firing planes or one-wined guys doing loops.  Usually if I'm getting maced, its because of my own stupid actions...but then again, its easier to blame the game, the connect or god forbid, should an opponent be allowed to burst someone's fragile little ego  :D

I still think the Pizza map had some really good whines in there.  We're talking california-sized whinery, Rude!  :D