Author Topic: tips to map-makers/testers  (Read 459 times)

Offline Shane

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tips to map-makers/testers
« on: August 12, 2002, 11:04:07 PM »
1.  have it tested on the min system specs listed by HTC, if the fps falls below 15 at the most intensive point, i.e. a base w/o smoke, rethink things like amount of nearby cluttersheep, trees, and clouds.

2. go easy on the sheep, put them in little clusters like a herd not scatter them in every available space. ditto on the rest, rocks, trees, boulders, huts.  don't put boulders in places no gv will ever see.

3. go easy on the clouds, they're one of the biggest fps hitting things next to clutter.

4. don't jam too many bases, towns or depots in too tight of a space.

the maps may look pretty on your machine, but it might be unplayable on many other's... think about that when you make a map. you want more people to play on and appreciate your hard work, right? bear in mind not everyone may have the monster machine you do.

keep up the good work, we do appreciate that fact, but when someone comes across a map that's almost unplayable when you factor in net lag, smoke, multiple plane environments, nothing will chase  people away faster than a big fps hit.
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