Ok guys, got a problem need help with and finally after about 6 months of intermittently messing with it I am coming here for help.
My good friend xBat mailed his ch pro pedals, USB style. I can get the pedals configured in Windows (which is version 98) and have them work fine.
My stick is connected to the computer via the sound card, and to date when the pedals are NOT plugged in I have no problem. Now, I go to configure the pedals in game and sometimes I get that axis that needs to show that the pedals are detected. Everything good to go so far, however, most of the time I can't get the game to recognize the pedals and give me that weird axis to configure.
Next problem, pedals are configured, hit takeoff. BAM!.....sounds card freaks out....all I get is a whining noise much like xBat makes when I do manage to shoot him down.
Near as I can figure...as I am ripping everything apart to put it back like it was before I messed with the pedals....is that I am having a hardware conflict, hence the sound card sounding like a banshee from hell. Looking in the system files, I note that I have about 5 items on the same channel as the sound card. I can't for the life of me figure out either through assigning a change or looking for jumpers on my motherboard how to spread that out. I have moved the cards about the motherboard hoping they get detected on a different channel time and time again, but it never works. I am about as frustrated as all hell about now.
I have never flown with rudder pedals before and I feel like this is the next level which will push me over into being a consitently decent pilot. Am I forever doomed to fly without rudder input? Is there a cable I can buy that will allow me to plug the pedals into the sound card and plug the joystick into the pedal some kind of way like a Y cable? Would buying a gameport make a difference?
Btw, please don't ask me the type of motherboard. It's about a year old and comp never came with a motherboard manual. If I'm not mistaken it's an Aser and I wanna say model V770 or some such....I know that's not much help, but I really feel that I'm either looking at buying another motherboard (sic), gameport card, or something as simple as cables.
Give it your best shot here and sorry for the lengthy post.
^"^ Nazgul