ok Heinkel
first you need a texture, I have been using photoshop 7 for this:
first I create at a 512x512 or 1028x1028 square this is going to be my texture and I save it as a tiff maybe 'texture A'
now each time I add an element to the texture I put it on a seperate layer, so one layer for green colour, another for weathering, another for plane markings etc.
In max I open up the texture palette and load in 'texture A'and in the diffuse colour channel. Now each change I make to the texture in photoshop and save is easily loaded into Max by just clicking on the 'Reload' button.
To map an object I have been using ' Unwrap UVW'the
First apply texture A to object.
Click on the object and then in the modifier pallet choose 'unwrap UVW'
With this turned on you can now click a specific polygon or select a group, then hit the planar map button.
A new window will open displying the texture map and on it will be the polygons you have just selected. move these polygons to the part on the texture map with required image and repeat.
Takes ages and is very boring

Took me around 15-20 hours to add texture map to emily

But one you have mapped the object all you have to do is alter the texture in photoshop and reload into max.
Unfortunatly I dont think that the textures show up as well in the veiwports in Max 3.1 as they do in Max 4. I also have 2 monitors so that I can have photoshop on one and 3DS Max on the other so I can follow whats going on otherwise there are just too many windows open

Check out the 3d cafe website
http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/default.asp It has some really useful free tutorials which will help you.
Also here is really helpful.
http://www.il2center.com/index.phpBTW nice P-38 if you can texture it, it will look even better and if you look in my Tiger II post theres an example of my lighting rig to give a false raydiosity effect when you render it