Author Topic: Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs  (Read 660 times)

Offline Grayarea

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« on: August 25, 2002, 02:54:18 PM »
Hi all,

Well after a long wait the Sunday TOD returns with 100 players. WTG everyone.

I have to apologise to 56th Fighter, as they did not see any action at all during this frame. The original orders were for a CV attack which 56th were defending. Due to excellant Allied flying in the first half of the frame, there was only one JU-88 left.

Needless to say when this happens, it is not good for anyone invloved. If this TOD is run again, the CV attack element will be removed.

Please post your AARs here.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2002, 03:28:57 PM by Grayarea »

Offline ramzey

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2002, 04:07:04 PM »
308th "Citty of Cracow" AAR

we fly Dora /4 planes/ + 2 x 190 A5 and patrol 7.9 -7.10 sectors
and one walkon /sry was to busy to remember/

we lost contact with bikekil , he bail to invite walkon, we stay 4 Doras only
East of Dover we spot 4-5 groups patroling spits at alt 25k+

At first merge we lost  one plane/krotki, pilot wounded he jump over North Sea/, and last 3 fighting with 4-5 spits 9 and one spit 14
got 3xspit9 and one spit 14 , in 7,10 8-9 area. Two spits runnaway .
We turn south and start climb heading to english coast.
When we reach Dover at 20 k jump on us 4x spit9 from alt advence and we lost one 190 which one was dmg earlier /lolo, lost wing/, we abdon battle and runn to france for reload
Reload on a21, after take off Kronos order us to patrol a21-a13 area to intercept enemy.
When we chasing single con heading a19-a14, which one die in ack on a14.
In this time allies attack a 21 and we heading there.
West of A21 we spot group 6-7 bombers escorted by 7 fighters  4 of them was spit 14. W try to attack last two spits 14, due two attacks but short another  3 try to get us, we level and runn

Kronos tell us we are last 2 fighters of axis, and order us to intercept single b26 attacking a21. We fly 20 miles to intercept him, he was hard to sight  just on sea level,  but when get  possition to attack  pair of figters with huge alt advence heading our way. We abort attack and head home

big thx for my wingman Dasko, i feel wit him safe:)


sry my english poor as allways , but im still learning;)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2002, 04:13:38 PM by ramzey »

Offline Vladd

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56 Sqn 'Firebirds'
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2002, 04:25:56 PM »
We launched 5 190A5s and set up a scouting line over the North Sea.

Our two most northerly aircraft, myself and Taiaha were the first to contact the big Allied B26 formation enroute to A22. We sounded the alarm and made a single swift firing pass before running low to the south, Tai having raked one 3 plane vic particularly well.

We were praying the escorts wouldn't pursue but no suck luck! Spit14s followed us all the way - Tai was shot down, I ended up in a long fight with 2 Spits and managed to bag one of them. The other started to climb away, I tried to make a break for it but then another Spit came barelling in, and trapped on the deck this time there was no escape for me. Was a good fight tho

The rest of the squad regrouped and attacked closer to the buff's destination. We lost Grayarea, but TJ downed a B26 and Furzy ran riot with 3 or 4 kills including a Spit14. Finally DJ111 in a smoking B26 tagged TJ, and hit Furzys oil, Furzy landing safely but deadstick.

Overall we had a fine time :D

56 Sqn 'Firebirds' - RAF
« Last Edit: August 25, 2002, 04:28:18 PM by Vladd »

Offline Sancho

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2002, 05:09:38 PM »
we had a nice time flying around the cv and landing at the end.  pollock landed a bit too hard and his poor corsair broke a leg.  viff couldn't wait for the ground crew to move pollocks damaged aircraft out of the landing area and had to land in the small corner of the flight deck that was unobstructed.  I'm looking back as viff comes in a perfect approach and nails the #1 wire mere feet from pollock's plane.  "How's that?" He asks as we watch in awe, ready to applaud him for this amazing feat of piloting.  but it was not to be... his plane immediately rolled backward off the stern and promptly sunk to the bottom of the channel. :D

damn first wire of the cv is still bugged. ;)

Offline Kronos

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A Big <S> to all who participated
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2002, 02:04:41 AM »
I want to say this first.

NEVER EVER try to CO a frame, fly a Ju88, attempt a bombrun, gun against enemy spitfires, and try to coordinate squads to vector to the enemy all at the same time.

Axis did an outstanding job considering my problems in trying to process the information all at once.  I would like to commend all the Axis squads, especially 418 squad who attempted to do the impossible and fend off the outnumbering spitfires attempting to down our bombers.  

No. 272 Squadron "Whispering Death" 's debut was an eventful one I must say.  (I will let Snogoose do the official 272 post, he was CO for the squad for this frame, and did an outstanding job.)We were the Ju88's inbound to A40.  We upped from a13, and tried to make as good time as possible inbound to A40.  I was the tail ju88, struggling just to maintain flight, let alone dealing with the overall picture.  We neared A40, and that is when the enemy hit us, and also the time that 56 sqdn saw the enemy B26's.  So there I was, trying to get into position for run on A40, trying to calibrate bombsight, (and incidentally, everytime I would jump to the bomb view, some dastardly spit would try to bounce me.)   So off to the gun I would go, and attempt to get a snapshot off before the spits passed me. Then repeat process.  During all this time, Im getting reports of enemy b26's, and squads asking for reinforcements.  :D  It was one heck of a time.  I did manage to get my bombs off, but don't think i registered any hits.  Turned south for home, and a spit14 chased me down.   I had to smoke his engine before he gave up.  Then another spit tried to bounce, but he left after doing 1 pass.  My last bomber ran out of its last engine about 5 miles from A14, and I had to ditch.

I kept trying to vector fighters to the B26's, and I think we ended up with a running fight with them almost all the way to A22.

By the end of that first raid of the b26's, we had I think about 5-6 pilots left, and less after they all landed to refuel.  I ended up with 3 pilots to protect A13/A21, and 1 of those three was lost before the end of the frame.  Drasko and Ramzey were the only 2 luftwaffe pilots to fly the whole frame, and land.  A Big to them and all the rest, It was a great job done considering.

56th FG, sorry we couldn't send any action your way, it was my intention to pit my Ju88's against the CV if we were successful against A40, however, I lost most of my pilots in short order. :D

to GA for being a very tough opponent, and to the rest of the allies, for being so danged determined.... including that single B26 that kept attacking A21.   :D
« Last Edit: August 26, 2002, 03:00:12 AM by Kronos »

Offline GA

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2002, 03:53:20 AM »
Salute all, was a great fight and good chaallange for me to be the CO for the Allieds.

I was also theCO for my Squadron with 14 pilots x 3 B-26 formation, it was a great sight 42 planes :D.

All Allieds Co had confirmed there Orders and we all was set to go.

The b26 heading N of A-40 trying to go NE and round to the S N of A-22.
We got up to our ALt at 10k for lvl and form up.
Swoop and his Gang was escorting us.
I desided to stay at 10 K becouse of the Spits do a better job finish the Axis low and the bombers could go under the wind layer. So we stayed at 10k since axis also probely would expect us at 20-25k.

When Half way due W about 40 miles from A-22 we were spoted with  2 enemy fighters. Swoop sent out 2 ti finish them off, and I orderd that we should turn stright into our target A-22 since moment of surprise was gone.
There were more fighters coming when we were about 10 miles out of A-22 and the fight started.
Some b-26 were shoot down but 56FG did a great job defending us. Over target when enemy fighters attaced us we manage to drop 50% of our bombs planing to the Orders. And red flight did miss hangars with 2 hangars length doue to my aiming :D.
Blueflight also should hit Base at A-22. Green flight should go for City, And Brown flight should go for VH. Have not got conformatiuon on the hits there.

We closed our door and staeyd on Man 35 for form up. The enemy fighter were now shoot down and Swoop formed his escort above us agin;). We headed for A-21 our second target coming in from behind;). SW. We formed up with the rest for the bombers about 50% left and droped the rest of the load on the Base. This time my aiming hit a direct hiot on the hangars:D.
And we then Turned NW RTB A-40.

Then one of the B-26 Easykill from Blue flight said, more target up on A-21:confused:  , and I thought he was dead, he he. He started his move on the base with only one engine and attaced it, but was shoot down. Wtg Easykill, you make us Vikings proud;).

Salute all was a fun TOD, and Exelent job well done Allieds CO`s and pilots;).

Salute Kronos to your brave Axis good fight.

Offline Busher

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2002, 08:43:29 AM »
All :)

The 418 Sqn Hornets were assigned 190A5's as a mix of Jabos and Fighters. We were to escort Snogoose's JU88's to A40 and then Jabo the targets that the JU88's did not destroy.

About 20 miles S of A40 the attack was discovered by a lone spit14. By the time the JU's and 190's reached A40, I don't think I have ever seen so many spit9's and spit14's in one place. Unfortunatley it became defensive for the all axis aircraft and I think I saw most JU's destroyed.

Many spitfires were either destroyed or damaged before all the 190's were down or had ditched. Good flying RAF ;)

Thank you to Kronos for CO'ing and thank you to the CM's for providing us with this arena - it is truly appreciated by all the 418th.
Being male, an accident of birth. Being a man, a matter of age. Being a gentleman, a matter of choice.

Offline AvidMC

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2002, 12:53:03 PM »
Sundays TOD was about as enjoyable as watching paint dry!!! Took off from the CV and flew around for awhile until we discovered that no attack was planned against the CV. Landed on the CV and logged. Maybe next week we can practice some synchronized swimming routines next to the CV while waiting for the attack that ain't coming.


Offline GA

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2002, 01:05:10 PM »
The original orders were for a CV attack which 56th were defending. Due to excellant Allied flying in the first half of the frame, there was only one JU-88 left.

Sorry that you guys did not see any action.
But as txt above, this was the couse of it;).

Next time you guys wil probely hitt the action zone;)

Offline -ammo-

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Sunday TOD - Frame 1 AARs
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2002, 04:55:46 PM »
I have already emailed skernsk and daddog about this. And discussed it at length with the designer (grayarea) of the Sun TOD after the frame.  

What happened was the axis CO, kronos, intended to attack the CV (it was listed as one of his objectives), but only after he used his JU-88's on a different objective. Which, of course, they didnt survive the task.  All frame CO's are instructed to attack or defend (depending on their roll)  ALL of their objectives.  To ensure what happened to us doiesnt happen to other units, frame CO's should ensure that they meet their objectives by dedicating forces to each onjective, from the beginning.  Their objectives shoud not be treated as secondary targets.  

What happened sunday was a good TOD overall, alot people got into some good action. Was just this one thing that happened to us.  But it can be avoided in the future.  It should not be treated as "par for course".
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
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Offline agosling

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272 Squadron AAR
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2002, 01:21:51 AM »
272 squadron took off with 5 formations of Ju88s with full loadout. Pilots were: Dawvgrid, Koba, Swoopy, BigUC, Kronos, and SnoGoose. Luftmarshall Kronos directed the Axis side from the cramped flight compartment of his Ju88.

We flew north to gain altitude, then turned west towards A40 when we were almost due east of it. At the turn, we heard our high escort make contact with large numbers of enemy fighters.

Dawvgrid led the bomb run, being our most proficient bomber. 20 miles from the target, we were subject to sporadic attacks, which resulted in no causalties. We managed to ping plenty of fighters, but could not confirm any actual kills.

Closer to the target, the fighter cover thickened. I lost my two bomber wingmen, but managed to unload 20x50kg near the center of the field. Then I was hit, and had to bail out. This is being written from a POW camp somewhere in Yorkshire.

Koba unloaded 20x50kg on the field, severely damaging the officers' cricket field. No other damage.

Dawvgrid managed to make two passes, causing structural damage to parts of the field, returning to refuel and rearm at A21 to make another (solo) run, during which he was also shot down.

Swoopy and BigUC were lost over the target area, and have not been heard from since.

Kronos' bomb damage is unknown, but he was damaged, and managed to limp back to base with the command aircraft, directing Axis efforrts all the while.

Claims: Ruined paint on several Spitfires.
Increased gardening expenses for the A40 station captain. Spilt several cups of tea at A40.

Losses: 13 Ju88s.

P.S. Sorry for the late report.