I'm not sure which forum this should be under: internet connectivity , or technical support
So I'm putting it here (this will get the largest audience)
First off I'd like to say I Rarely have CTD's....
Lag is seldom if not rare (maybe 1 plane in a furball)....
my net stat is almost always flat and smooth...
This is my sitation and i seem to be in the Minority.
I will try to address what I've seen in the past few months:
first off I have a cable connection, live in the continential US (wisconsin to be exact), and usually go online at peak hours (primetime 6-10pm)
the few times i have had a host queue that jumps radically i logged off and started a firewall. one thing i found is i was recieving thousands of pings, and a few times a port scan. this was probably a hacker of some kind trying to get past my router or trying to clog the net. after rebooting my pc (or releasing and renewing my ip address) the queue was smooth again and the firewall reported no incidents.
has anyone ever checked into this on their end?
if so what have you found?
also, reading the connectivity forums i see alot of trouble across the pond (ie. in europe)
how many of you with lag and net queue issues live in the US? if you do who is your ISP and do they have a stable connection at that time?
for those in europe... I know too little about the situation of ISP's there to speak intelligently.
i know this rambles around a bit but i'm not real concerned with my gramer and structure here
My whole point of this is the internet is a HUGE place, and to lay the blame on 1 server (HTC's) seems a bit harsh.
next time you do a ping plot to HTC try doing the same to yahoo and msn and cnn... if your connect is bad to them also the problem is no longer an HTC issue. you can't expect a few guys (and girls:)) from texas to be able to control the whole internet.
I find it hard to understand (having half of my MCSE cert.) how a server can be fine for 1 person and terrible for another. usually if there is a problem with a server it affects ALL that are connected to it.
well those are my thoughs on the lag/net stat. issues
> all and good flying