...in the arse.
Okay... fine. The allied orders are late. Got a message on Sunday that I had the CO duties this week.
Unfortunately, I was busy packing. Work related... travel... you get the idea...
Anyway... told Skernsk that I'd ask someone in the Zoo to step up and write the orders while I was away. Wasn't sure who it would be. I just forwarded the package along and assumed that it would work out.
So much for that plan.
I got back Wednesday night. Oh... and my ISP decided to start blocking MAC addresses. So... by Thursday at 6PM, I'd figured out that it wasn't me. It was the ISP. So... the fix... spend $100 on a Netgear Router and I'm back in business.
So... I get online... and begin getting caught up on the three nights of school I missed. Datelines for assignments seemed to out prioritize my fixing the TOD mess. Sorry.
Oh... then the TOD mess.
Okay... who are the allied commanders? I'll check the events page. No help there, so I sift through the orders for last week and find the addresses. Not sure what the squads are, put I think I've got the principle players.
How many pilots in each squad? No idea. That handy TOD events page is not so handy anymore. So... fortunately Gremlin posted a log page from Frame 1. I used the numbers there for Frame 2 assignments. I also used the log page to figure out which squadrons were flying Allied.
Weapons loads and/or restrictions? I have no idea.
A little confusion over the orders... for a moment, it looked like Skernsk was giving me approximately 30 planes TOTAL! So... finally sorted that out. We've got limited numbers of P51, Typhoon, B17 and SpitIX. Unlimited on SpitV, Hurc2c and Bostons..
Orders written and sent at 1 or 2 AM. But wait... Outlook decided to enter a space inside some of the email addresses. At 1AM, I miss little details like that.
Oh... and to top it all off... I've been banned from the AHBBS. I finally broke down and created this account just so I could work on the TOD.
Maybe it'll turn out... maybe it'll be a huge circle jerk...
I'm quite beyond caring...
I'm pretty sure this account is going to get shut down also... best bet is to contact me directly at