Author Topic: Lancaster AAR  (Read 227 times)

Offline Betown

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Lancaster AAR
« on: March 15, 2001, 01:51:00 PM »
You guys wana know how tough the Lancaster bomber really is? Well this is about as tough as you are going to get laddies.

Few days ago the old Rookies and the Knights where having there usual gang banging session. After several unsuccessful B26 missions over the enemy targets I decided that I would get rooks back once and for all and get there HQ.

So off I go taking of in a Heavy land with 16x 1000lbers and 50% fuel. Take off from the field and set course for the HQ.

(At this point I head into the other rook to get a beer and then come back)

So I am closing on rook HQ nice and quickly and I set up my bomb site, open the doors, do a salvo 6, cut the throttle and drop it dead on the target.


Go for another pass and same thing happenes


Flicking to my map I see that there is a nice red block apearing in my sector. Switching to external view I look around for dot's and see 2 coming in from my 9 oclock. Praying to god that they are not 109's I set course towards the nearest allied base.

The voices in my head start speaking to me
"Don't worry BT, they are just here to say hello! Offer you a nice 200 hour service for you lancaster free of charge"
"Run Betown! RUN!
"Rookies gona get ya!"

After supressing the mental voices I started stairing at the dot's as they got closer. The icon's came into range.

2 109's

"Great!" im saying. Don't worry your lanc is tough. She will take it!

The high 109's come round and dive holding just short about 2k's of my 6. I still don't for the life of me know what they where waiting for but I did the only thing I could think of.

Switching to channel one I shouted
"Please Rooks, this is the Lanc over your HQ. PLEASE don't shoot me"
After begging not to be shot about 3 or 4 times the two 109's pounced. One going high one going low. The low one struck first. I popped off round into him and got some encouraging hit flashes. He dove again and sat just under my tail about 2.5k down out of range of my guns. The high one now dives on me. I switch my guns and fire at least 70 round at him. "high guy" flew past in pain and his tail fell shortly behind him.

After extaticaly thumping the desk and shouting "WHOOOWHOOOWHOO!" as loudly as I could to the great amusement of my girlfriend who was in the other room i brought myself back down to earth to deal with the other. "low guy" Makes a move and pulls up hard "Ping Ping Ping Ping BANG, Crash, Boom" I felt the aircraft jolt but it didn't matter now. "low guy" stalled just above my guns.

"Bye Bye Rookies! It's payback time"

While laughing evily as the rounds tore into his aircraft. My sweaty trigure finger going white as I pressed it over and over again in short bursts. The aircraft burst into flames as bit's flew off it and then it exploded.


(By now I was well past the stage of being subtle and I was starting to freak out the nabours with my shouting)

After I had calmed down I switched back to the cockpit and to my horror saw a 109 at 1.2k and closing.

"OH SH*(&^£*£( Mother of *"$*&"$)"

Nose gun time! hiting the nose gun key repeatedly..... *This position is disabled*

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"Oh Darn"

(This message has been altered from it's original content to protect younger viewers)

Back to the cockpit I learched the aircraft into a steap right bank. I closed my eyes and waited for the dreaded noise.

"ping ping ping ping CRACK"

Tail gun it was. Lining up on his tail I fired. Ping splashes and debris. Great! But wait. The 109 was climbing. The bastard was extending! Round he came again

2k away. Guns trained. Zoom on.
1.5k away. Voices come back "You can do it betown. Come on betown"
1k away. Check ammo. 90 rounds. good.
.7k away. Fire warning shots to show him I was here and waiting.
.5k He opened up and so did I.
"Ping Ping Ping Ping CRACK!"
"Flash Flash Flash Flash BOOM!" I was rewarded with a flaming 109 flying past my left wing. I switched to my external view only to see the extent of the damage to my aircraft.

Engine 1,2,4 leaking oil, Left Elevator missing, Rudder's Missing, Centre Fuel Leak, Left Wing fuel leak, Top Turret inoprative, flaps inoprative.

Oh Crap. Just then ghosth jumps on the squad channel.
Ghosth = Hey BT, How's it going?
After explaing to Ghosth what was going on the engines cut out.

So I was faced with the desision. Should I
A) Ditch,
B) Try and land at the enemy ocupied field the knights where attacking and hope someone got a goon there before the acks came up?
c) Try and land on the CV

Betown = Ghosth you ever landed a lanc dead stick on a CV?
Ghosth = Can't say I have BT. But landed an undamaged one though. First Day the CV's where out.

As I deceded dead stick into the carrier with aircraft buzzing around me the voices came back.

The wheels screached on the deck. YEAH I DID IT!

The right wing broke on the tower.

<You have crashed>

(This message has been altered from it's original content to protect younger viewers)

Oh Darn

(This message has been altered from it's original content to protect younger viewers)


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Lancaster AAR
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2001, 03:20:00 PM »
Great story!   I love days like that, those are the days that bring you back for more, unless your the 109's.  

Offline Ghosth

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Lancaster AAR
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2001, 06:52:00 AM »
Forgot to allow for the cross wind BeTown?



Offline Saintaw

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Lancaster AAR
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2001, 07:04:00 AM »
(This message has been altered from it's original content to protect younger viewers)
Dirty, nasty furriner.