Author Topic: Stupidity Reins at times (HUMOR!)  (Read 516 times)

Offline LePaul

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Stupidity Reins at times (HUMOR!)
« on: March 16, 2001, 12:56:00 AM »
Ever have a night when you ponder uninstalling Aces High and regaining your sanity (or hair?)?  Tonight was one of those nights for me, and I am sure we all have them....I mention these as HUMOR and not putting anyone down...I'm sure y'all can add to this list of zany events from your own experiences!

1.  Wanted to hit Rook HQ, so I made the LONG and ARDUOUS flight from 52 (Far right corner) to Rook HQ (Far Left).  3/4's of the way there, I'm finally at 27k and am making good progress.  A Player asks if I need a gunner, I ask if he's good, he says yes (Note to self:  Ask for Gunnery Diploma).  So, now I dont have to worry about the guns.  Not.  Low and behold a boogie appears and my gunner isnt even looking.  I watch helplessly as the 152 approaches, levels off behind us and stays with 400ft of us!!  My gunner just cant hit a thing, tho he does FINALLY land a few shots.  But, its too late.  We die.  I should have gunned my own, and the gunner's lack of an apology or reason for sucking out so bad annoyed the heck out of me.  So, I teased him a bit about it but the fact is....go it alone, or with someone you know.  No more walk on gunners for me.

2.  We're trying and trying and trying to take 7.  Its just not happening, we either have 1 fighter or 1 bomber.  Or, one goon, and none of either.  Its a mess.  SO we finally have a wave of guys heading over and I announce that Im a Lancaster, going in low and fast, and have the VH in site.  After taking a lot of hits from 3 osties and 2 F4Us that are defending, I line up on the target and drop bombs...that very moment, one of our own, swoops down and destroys the VH.  I've wasted 3 bombs despite announcing my intentions to all.  At this point, ive had enough for one night.  Went thru hell twice to get to a hi value target, and got screwed on both.  Grr!  Try bombing other targets there, but Im down to one engine and 3 F4s are on my 6.  I explode nicely overhead.

3.  My favorite.  Watching about 6 fighters chase 1 enemy fighter.  As Im trying to sneak around in a Lancaster, the one con comes in on me, and kills me, while my 6 teamates are all over the sky, skywriting for all i know.  How can one guy get past 6 of ours?  Ugh!  [Drink Drink?]

Thats just a couple of the whacked things I saw tonight.  Again, its all just 'shake your head and roll your eyes' what kinda stuff did you guys see?  Lets all yank our hair out together now  

Paul J. Busiere

Aces High Arena handle:  BD5Pilot
BD-5 "T" (TurboProp) 90% complete, first flight in 2001 (We hope!)


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Stupidity Reins at times (HUMOR!)
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2001, 04:40:00 AM »
sorry to say but most people who will ask if anyone needs a gunner REALLY SUCK AT IT, from my experence.

Offline Cobra

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« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2001, 08:10:00 AM »
Hi ya LePaul!

Like I said last night, you should add bad luck to that as well.

Here's why:

As LePaul stated he got his Lanc up to alt and on his way to our HQ.  His timing was absolutely perfect!  It was the darkest of the night, and our dot Radar at HQ had been taken down already by another Lanc, so we only had the bar, and not the dot pinpoint location.

The only reason I was up that high and patrolling in my 152 in the first place was to catch that Lanc on his return trip....didn't want to give him a free pass  

Well, as luck would have it, someone else shoots down that Lanc, and so with all this alt and plenty of gas, I decide to patrol that particular corridor.  I pull up the map and see a strength bar in that sector, but no pinpoint dot.

So I just head east hoping to see something.

As stated earlier, it is dark as dark can be, so I have no hope of seeing any dots and with the pinpoint radar down, I won't be able to spot him on dar either.

Just as I am about to turn back west and start my let down to land, WHAM!, this Lanc icon hits me square in the face at 4K!  Blind-flipping-Luck that I ran across LePaul.

So the first thing I do is blow the initial merge and now I'm hanging off his left wing watching tracers shoot all around me, but no hits!  I dip down and try to hit him from underneath and get some hits, but his gunner got my rad.  Uh-Oh, I think, better hurry now, so I just decide to sit off his six and try my luck.  Again that luck thing comes in, and his gunner is missing me as I'm landing 30mm and 20mm hits on him....whew!

Like I said, that entire engagement was based on Luck!...Good Luck for me, and Bad Luck for LePaul.

<S> LePaul, I'm sure when we meet again, it will be me in the silk!


Offline Dago

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Stupidity Reins at times (HUMOR!)
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2001, 08:25:00 AM »
never mind

[This message has been edited by Dago (edited 03-16-2001).]
"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"


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Stupidity Reins at times (HUMOR!)
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2001, 09:32:00 AM »
No the 4 hours of constant raiding on A7 last night drove me nuts, used a lanc all targets down base ready for the taking.  M3 gets blown up by the 1 defender, with 7 capping runway go figure.  Ok we JABO the HEll out of it again I grab a M3, yak toasts me 1K away from HQ, all the time screaming for cover.  Grab a Mk4 this time, Yak again comes in first hits kill my engine and turret, <--dead duck now>.  I dont know how many times we hit that base but we could not take it, pretty soon everyone lost interest and we started to go on the defensive.  I have a lot to learn about this game, but the last 3 dogfights of the night were awesome LLB and I were engaging 3-4 enemy cons, 2N1k's and a spit 9, other was a FW.  Got the Spit, after the piltos in hte N1K's were doing an awesome job of avoiding bnz.  Finally one of the N1K's got me I left LLB up ther with the other 2.  Type in Great fight and got the same response back, 51 is a fun bird to fly will outrun the LA_7 at 12k    Last battle grabbed a 109 F4, which seems to be the one plane I can actually do rather well in, found a 26 coming in at 2k shot off elevator in a steep dive never saw the hits just saw flipping plane   went from 12k to deck to kill a Yak, man that thing can turn, last kill was a Spit9 fodder for the 151    I am quite impressed with this game, so much can be done with it, and I am eagerly awaiting the next release, I have only been flying for 7 days now and I have 7 more left on my free account.  I am definitely going to subscribe to this one, you have me locked in.  I am also trying to sway others from Fighter Ace to give up there POS graphic infested rocket toting missle squeaking planes and come over here.  So far a couple have come over , now the test is to keep them here.  First problem they had was the flight model same with me.  The key is help these guys out, if I ask for help I usually see 4-5 responses instantly which is much obliged on my end.  You see some taunts which you expect, I really don't care I am here to have fun and not talk smack about others.  So what if I lawn dart looping with a 38 in my 109?  LOL, HTC you have a gem of a product here keep it up.  

Sturm <---- thoroughly impressed    

Offline Staga

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« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2001, 10:08:00 AM »
LePaul I almost allways gun my own plane because then i KNOW what gunner is doing  

Yesterday I was having a very good time in B-17, Lots of destroyed hangars and A2A victories (Always in a map and 14-17k alt...).
Funniest was when I was lining up for a Double FH bombing I saw a big dot taking off from that field.
After I deleted those FHs from map I turned my B-17 to the way I saw dot going to and in couple minutes I saw a low flying B-17 in front of me.
Knowing what kind of damage buff's guns can do I decided to use fighter-tactic with my B-17 so I flyed about 1.5k from enemys side, Turned against his flying path in a smooth dive and when close enough I opened fire when flying under that Buff. After that pass I climbed again using the speed I got in dive and made another attack from side. After few passes like these ones I saw one of my engines smoking but I also saw enemy bomber going down fast.
Funniest kill in a long time  

(After those flights I remembered why I always be scared when attacking against B-17s  )

Offline LePaul

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« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2001, 10:55:00 AM »
Ahhh good, so its not just me yanking my hair out and laughing my prettythang off last night then.

Cobra:  You got SO lucky!  Do you have any idea how bad it is do watch you Lanc from External views and just watch the gunner miss over and over again?  You were SO CLOSE, how could he have missed?

Next time, Ill get ya.  Beware of a gunner being thrown offa my plane and into your windsheild!!

As for 7, I dont know what happened.  People are so opposed to being organized.  Had we gone in with 2 waves...a buch of fighters/tanks in the first, and 5 mins later another wave of bombers, goons, m3s adn more fighters, we coulda had it.

I had 7 flattened, all by myself, and no one would help me keep it.  Someone told me they were making a mission for it, and it rolled in 15 minutes.  Ummm, everything would be back UP by then!!  So we sure had our chances with 7, we just couldnt get it together.  <shrug>  It happens.

Paul J. Busiere

Aces High Arena handle:  BD5Pilot
BD-5 "T" (TurboProp) 90% complete, first flight in 2001 (We hope!)

Offline Dmitry

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« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2001, 11:28:00 AM »
Next time, Ill get ya. Beware of a gunner being thrown offa my plane and into your windsheild!!

Yeah that's one of futures I want to see in AH. Something like  .Jettison XXX

Best regards
Dmitry aka vfGhosty

Offline Soda

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Stupidity Reins at times (HUMOR!)
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2001, 12:30:00 PM »
I can't understand how a whole fighter escort can dive to chase a single enemy contact down low, that's the classic situation that makes me laugh.  A C202, flying along 10K below you and 3/4 of your fighters dive in on it to take it out.  Ahh... whatever.  It's even better when the friendlies get so close to each other that it's like a train where people actually die to friendly fire.  That's classic.


Offline LePaul

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« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2001, 02:12:00 PM »
Yep, forgot to mention friendly fire.  Cant tell ya how many times Im hammering a guy, and someone crosses my line of fire.  I used to stop firing, but now that even your pals will try to vulch your kills, I keep right on shooting.  Gives em something to think about on the parachute ride down  

Paul J. Busiere

Aces High Arena handle:  BD5Pilot
BD-5 "T" (TurboProp) 90% complete, first flight in 2001 (We hope!)

Offline cars

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« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2001, 04:23:00 AM »
If you "hammer your pals" YOU take the chute ride.

"Happiness is a belt-fed weapon"