Author Topic: What are we going for here?  (Read 181 times)

Offline Sharky

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What are we going for here?
« on: July 26, 1999, 04:28:00 PM »
Hey Pyro, HT and all.

I was wondering just how "immersive" (sp) AH is going to be?  To explain a little, someone wrote on the WB board, that there is basicly two types of sims.  Unfortunatly the terms he used escape me but the upshot was that one type has most all the elements (flying, shooting ACM etc) but some of the fuctions are done automatically for the player (autotrim, engine functions etc).  The other type trys to more closely simulate all the work load really involved, in other words none or almost nothing is automated.  I think the example he used was Falcon 4.0 which I understand takes several hours of study of the manual to get a handle on all the functions you need to pay attention too (don't know never played it).  I'm kinda hoping that AH will model as much of the real work load as possible.  I'd really like to see working prop settings, mixture control, manual triming etc.  I know that may not appeal to as many people and I'm not in any way trying to tell you how to run your sim, just some things I'd like to see.
  Well just thought I'd ask and add my two cents.  Thanks, can't wait till September.

Sharky Out