Author Topic: Sunday TOD - Squad COs  (Read 374 times)

Offline Grayarea

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Sunday TOD - Squad COs
« on: September 11, 2002, 04:12:52 PM »
Hi all,

I would like to restate the frame COs duties.

You will receive orders from the admin CO. These you use as the basis for your detailed orders.
Once you have a set of orders you email them to all of the squad COs and the Admin CM. The email addresses can be found on the event site

You must nominate a XO who will take over the frame should you have a emergency. The XO will be included in all emails about frame orders.

You are also responsible for actually commanding your side during the entire duration of the frame.

If you find you cannot fulfill this commitment then you may nominate any member of your squad to be a "TOD CO".

You must update the events site with all changes to;

Number of players attending
email address changes for the squad and frame CO

I have noticed that specific rules relating to strike packages are being ignored. I normally give the frame CO a percentage relationship between JABO and heavy bombers. During ALL frames of the last TOD, CAP / Sweep fighters have been strafing strike targets. In future any scoring related to these fighters will be removed from the relevant sides totals.

Offline ramzey

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Sunday TOD - Squad COs
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2002, 08:42:19 PM »
During ALL frames of the last TOD, CAP / Sweep fighters have been strafing strike targets. In future any scoring related to these fighters will be removed from the relevant sides totals.


we get order to strafe ground trg
order is order and Ordnung must sein;)
