Author Topic: Is the Pizza map actually FUN?  (Read 663 times)

Offline TracerX

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Is the Pizza map actually FUN?
« Reply #45 on: September 13, 2002, 01:25:19 PM »
I don't understand complaints on the pizza map, well, maybe complaints about the color since it is different, but those are silly complaints in the first place.  

This map is by far the best map in all aspects of the game.  Best strategy, best Terrain and best base allocation.  Anyone who can't find enough fights on this map are not using the map correctly.  Bring up the clipboard, turn off all the icons and base numbers and zoom all the way out.  The radar bars will display the sectors that have the greatest activity in them.  If you want to furball, go to the nearest base and join the fun.  If you want something else, like base defense, wait for a base to start flashing and up a plane.  If you want great terrain, go to the canyons and look for some action there.  The ground vehicle action on this map is superb.  

I can't believe that people complain about a map that is different, most especially one with as many great qualities as this one.  It is only one of 5 maps, and so what if it takes a little longer to reset, there are 4 other maps coming as soon as the pizza map gets reset, wait your turn!  Please allow others the chance to enjoy a map that you might not necessarily enjoy.  Diversity is good.

Just an example, last night I wanted to fly lots of fighter action.  Our country radar was down, so I made a guess on where the action was by going to a base that other squad mates said was busy.  Upped a plane and was badly raped by about 5-7 enemy planes.  No problem, I upped again and stayed closer to the base this time, but had the same result, and we lost the base.  I wasn't too happy, but oh well.  I changed venues by going clear to the other side of the map to help get our radar back.  Now this was a great place.  We had every element of an air battle going.  Bombers, high alt fighters, Goon runs, and yes, intense furballs.  It was great!  After we successful captured a couple of bases, we discovered an enemy carrier group.  I took up a couple of flights of B26's and heavy fighters to help sink the carrier and capture a nearby airbase.  I even had time to enjoy a few ground vehicle assaults before logging off and going to bed.  I can find anything I want on this map whenever I want.  Even at low user times, I can manage to find enough action to keep me entertained.  The rewards this map has to offer way out weigh any complaints against it.  Please look harder for its virtues.

Offline gofaster

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Is the Pizza map actually FUN?
« Reply #46 on: September 13, 2002, 01:50:37 PM »
What I hate about the Pizza map:

(a) its too big;
(b) there's no jungle;
(c) I've found problems with attempting land invasions, whereby the LVTs will get stuck in the transition from water to land due to a problem in the terrain tiles (or something like that); and
(d) the geography is unnaturally linear.  It looks too much like a game board.

What I like about the Pizza map:

(a) remote spawn points for GVs shorten the transit time and allow mutual ground support of multiple bases; and
(b) terrain favors GVs for protection against air assault;

Offline Samm

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Is the Pizza map actually FUN?
« Reply #47 on: September 13, 2002, 05:30:26 PM »
I keep hearing that it's too big, but when is the last time it took more than 48 hours to reset it ?

Do any other maps even have zone strat ? This map has pretty much everything, high alt bases, low alt bases, many cv's, many good gv spawn points, zone strat, canyon fighting, it's symetrical and it's the only terrain thus far that's not too small . Even when your country is on the verge of loosing the war, you can still choose a base that isn't being porked to take off from, can't do that in any other terrain either .

I think people are just looking for reasons to dislike this terrain. I've heard some pretty ridiculous ones so far. "I don't like to look at it.", "There's no jungle", "It hurt's my eyes". If a certain color causes you pain you should see a doctor becuase that's quite abnormal .
« Last Edit: September 13, 2002, 05:33:15 PM by Samm »

Offline JB73

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Is the Pizza map actually FUN?
« Reply #48 on: September 13, 2002, 07:33:04 PM »
akswulfe <> and ty for not gettin into a "u suck... no u suck b*tch fight with me" (im not saying u ever do that i've just seen so much of that on this board) our discussion has been civil and productive imho.

just to say i dont know enough about tiles and textures to think i can make a map though i'm thinking about trying.

was thinking today about the good and bad of all the maps and 1 other thing i thought was the akdesert map has vehicle bases that can spawn 6 sectors. you can't stop that kind of attack. you cant go fly 4-6 sectors to bomb it without getting bounced which means you need to put together a mission with cover. now you need 3+ guys going to kill a vehicle hangar to stop an attack and it will be back up before you get back... if you do. all you can do is defend the base and hope the atacking vehicles give up

that's just 1 scenario but you get my idea about the problems so far and i just wanted to throw that out.

anyway and good flying.
I don't know what to put here yet.