VOX calls
Visual Calls
Visual ....................... You can see your wingman.
Blind ........................ You can’t see your wingman.
Tally ......................... You can see the bandit.
No Joy...................... You can’t see the bandit.
I’m Lost.................... You can’t see your wingman or the bandit and have lost situation awareness (SA)
Directive Calls
Abort........................ Cease action/attack/mission.
Anchor ..................... Orbit about a specific point or location.
Blow Through .......... Continue straight ahead at the merge, take a shot if available, but don’t turn with the bandit.
Bracket Left/Right.... Turn left/right to maneuver to a position on opposing sides of bandit.
Bugout direction...... Separate for low fuel, loss of tactical advantages or accomplishments of mission objectives; intent is to permanently separate and return to friendly territory
Combat Spread........ Spread out from the leader with about 1,000 ft separation
Form-up Left/Right .. Form up on leader with about 500 ft separation.
Comeback position.. Reposition (left/right/high/low, or a combination of).
Cover ....................... Stay in support position.
Daisy Chain ............. Get in trail of the leader about 2,000 ft behind in preparation to B&Z a bandit.
Disengage................ Discontinue the current attack.
Divert ....................... Proceed to alternate mission/base.
Duke It Out............... Meet the enemy head on to engage.
Engage..................... Attack bandit.
Extend direction ...... Directive to gain energy and distance with the intent of re-engaging.
Grab......................... Gain altitude.
Hook Left/Right........ Perform a same altitude 180 degree turn.
Pitch Left/Right........ Perform an ascending 180 degree turn.
Slice Left/Right ........ Perform an descending 180 degree turn.
Snap direction ......... Immediately turn to the stated direction.
Status....................... Request for an individual's tactical situation; response is normally "offensive," "defensive," or "neutral".
Wide Spread ............ Spread out from the leader with about 2,000 ft separation.
Descriptive Terms
Bandits..................... Enemy aircraft.
Bogeys..................... Unidentified aircraft.
Chicks. ..................... Friendly aircraft.
Fence ....................... Boundary separating hostile and friendly areas.
Furball...................... A turning fight involving multiple aircraft.
Home Plate............... Home airfield.
Perch........................ Position from which an attack can be launched or wingman can be covered.
Post Hole ................. Rapid descending spiral.
Deck......................... Very low altitude.
Informational Calls
Attacking.................. You are attacking a ground target.
Bingo Fuel ............... You must return to base for fuel.
Clear........................ . You have broken off from the bandit and not in danger.
Defensive................. You are engaged with the bandit but you are on the defensive and need assistance.
Dragging .................. You are being chased by bandit.
Engaging.................. You are proceeding to engage.
Feet Wet/Dry ............ You are flying over water/land.
Heads Up ................. Enemy got through; no kill.
Hot ........................... Call made by wingman indicating he has visual, tally, and a clear path to the bandit and is in an advantageous position to engage.
Incoming.................. Bandits are approaching.
Locked ..................... You are engaged with no clear advantage and not in a position to disengage without exposing yourself to a shot.
Negative................... Transmission understood but cannot comply.
Pushing.................... You have the advantage over the bandit and you are “pushing” for the kill.
Roger ....................... Transmission understood (and will comply).
Running ................... You are disengaging the bandit and trying to get clear
I posted this 10/13/00
Pray not for an end to the slaughter...but for VICTORY!!!