Yo Garobi, while in AH, you can set the V channel to yourself such as:
/.radio 5 garobi
Then you can hit which ever key to talk to chan 5 which is the V chan and you should hear yourself. If you cant hear yourself then quit AH. You may have to map that key, mine is maped to the T key. The Y key is default Range tho you may have to set that key also. Check AH-->Settings-->Keymapper wihin AH to see if its set.
Pull UP RW, heres the trick. Make sure RW works ok by testing your mic there. If you hear yourself then ok. (If not then RW needs its own setting within its software set to the proper sound devices and mic recorder volume set.) Close RW if RW works.
Pull up the Windows Sound Recorder
Click the record button and see if you can record something. Rewind, play it. You should see a green wave form of some sort representing the input channel (our mic) into wav format on the sound recorder. If you dont hear anything then pull up the
Make sure your Line-In is set high enough so that the mic is picking up your voice. Also make sure the "Mute" check box is check for Line-in.
Other issues ---
Under the SoundControl menu, click top left corner under the:
Under the two main facilities of the SoundControler listed as "Adjust Volume For", there is:
Click them to see which devices (can have more than one type of sound device you know, example entertainment industry mixing AV PC stations). This is shown in the "Mixer Device" text box. Should point to your default sound card or explicitly at the name of your sound card device. Make sure thats set right.
PS: If that last portion was off, RW would still work because RW has its own options to point to a sound device within its software exclusive of this.
Also, if AH ever "LOCKS" up your sound device (after closing AH), you can pull up RW to unlock the device and free it up again for use. This bug may have gone away now though. Then start up AH again.
Good luck...