Author Topic: Ideas for HA  (Read 139 times)


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Ideas for HA
« on: April 29, 2001, 07:07:00 AM »
Ok with the arrival of competition (wwiiol) in the not too distance future ( we hope), HTC should really consider how to "maintain the competitive advantage" which they have over the other games.

One way in which to do would be a HA. WWiiol is doing the early war years 1940 Ah should go for the PT.
Imagine this, the setting and map is the East Solomons  1942. You are charged with holding the region with only 3 carriers for the whole tour. Historical planeset including P-39 P-40 wildcat dauntless zero val betty and catilinas. The map so big that base capture very important. New unit like Seebees can improve base to meduim from small, as long as they are not attacked. Convoys sailing around which if sunk affect dar, training just like factories do now.
Granted this is alot lot of work the map itself would take a long time, but in the end of the day to survive in an ever compettive market you must give,
1. Value for money
2. Something different
I think most of us when we fly don't just do it to dogfight, if that was true what is the point of bombers goons etc. We all like the strategic element of the game if not we would all be in the duelling area all the time. We all like planes the more the better.

I think this ideas addresses both.

What do you all think.

 RHood VMF-222
Bring the Mosquito FB.MkVI toAH NOW :-)

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Ideas for HA
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2001, 07:27:00 AM »
I really like that idea.  I personally can't wait for WWIIOnline, but I'll still be playing and paying for my account here as well.