A more accurate review would say, "Never in the history of gaming, not even Derek Smart and 'Battlecruiser' A.D., has such a corrupt, unsuitable, and totally inadequately prepared piece of software been illicitly offered up as 'ready for consumption'."
Erm, go try Battlecruiser Millenium, the product that was REALLY released by 3000AD (the company). 3000AD.com even released BC3K v2.09 (game title finished and trimmed outta bugs) for FREE after the company got the rights to their own game back from the publisher (Take2).
The original Battlecruiser game, was released UNFINISHED and without the consent of the developer by Take2 (a now already bankrupt company, thank yawsh!).
Now we compare that to WW2OL,
WW2OL was released unfinished, is still unfinished and even still is advertised AS a working title. Still up to today.
But there's no quality control in software releases, just look at what Microsoft gets away with. Half-assed companies like CRS just hop onto the caravan and help pull the carts. Who'se to tell them what they're doing is illegal? If we were to pass a box of WW2OL as it was released originally and compare it to what is advertised on it.. its a blatant case of false advertising...and as far as I know thats punishable by law. Its the same thing if someone were to pick up a few tablets of Rat Poison in the local supermarket and consumed them because the label read it was headache medicine.
I submitted a complaint to the Better Bussiness Beaurou (or however you spell that..damn French!
) a week after I bought WW2OL and found I could not return it or get my money back for such piece of garbage. Was the only thing I could do against those con artists.
For kicks, go pull a report of CRS on the BBB. It advises (or did back when i went through all this) not to do bussiness with them.