Author Topic: La7 and Dora pilots...a question pls?  (Read 356 times)

Offline fats

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La7 and Dora pilots...a question pls?
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2001, 07:55:00 AM »

That's why you should fiddle with the joystick settings every so often, in case you are interested in flying a single type.

// fats


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La7 and Dora pilots...a question pls?
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2001, 08:06:00 AM »
for good or bad the whole arena has gotten much more focused on very late war and 2-3 planes especially,

I would love to see some way to introduce the early war planes.

Offline Westy

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La7 and Dora pilots...a question pls?
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2001, 08:15:00 AM »
 What Grunherz said. What he said is what I've seen most D9's do and it's pathetic. Much worse than anything I saw 51 pilots ever do here.  Reminds me of what people were complaining was occuring in AW the last couple of years. I wonder if new blood have brought those lame habits?  Me and a couple of squaddies ran into about six of them flking over  20K near over one of thier bases in the lower left of the map. They had alt (we were 15k-20k tops), they blew it badly, lost a couple of thier number, the last two or three ran south further into friendly teritory and either alt F4'd or bailed because they never came back.

  LA7 drivers on the other hand are making me miserable  


Offline DoKtor GonZo

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La7 and Dora pilots...a question pls?
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2001, 12:15:00 PM »
Actually - that's probly what I should do, fats. Pick one plane (for good or ill) and get my ACM skills back.


Offline Glasses

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La7 and Dora pilots...a question pls?
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2001, 12:21:00 PM »
Hazed I told you long ago Miss Dora doesn't love you , she loves me ,she lets me handle her the way I want her to. So shadup saddle up and maybe, just maybe, I'll let you see her on the weekends.  

Glasses---I may have 4 eyes ,but you only have one wing.
Besser tot als rot

Offline Yeager

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La7 and Dora pilots...a question pls?
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2001, 12:36:00 PM »
I would love to see some way to introduce the early war planes.
I cant think of anything better than a rolling plane set to allow this.

Although perks are still young in development I just cant see that system allowing 1939-1942, 1942-1943, 1944-1945 planes to intermix.

Is there any other way?  Because if not, AH will simply be game a forced by simple common sense to use only the latest and greatest 1944-45 technology.

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline DoKtor GonZo

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La7 and Dora pilots...a question pls?
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2001, 02:33:00 PM »
The other nice thing about early war planes: slower planes warp less!

There's actually enough non-uber planes here to make a nice mid-war set work: 190A5, 109F4, Spit V, Seafire, Avenger, Ju-88, A6M5, C202, C205, F6F, P51B, P47C. Corsair is too uber for this mix. Spit IX kinda the same. Might make for a nice change of pace for the first few nights of a new campaign?


Offline Mathman

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La7 and Dora pilots...a question pls?
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2001, 05:05:00 PM »
Let me clarify my earlier post:

I don't run much unless I am at a serious disadvantage, though I do more than I did previously.  I only run/disengage when I am low on gas, ammo, or am outnumbered (and even then, I often turn and fight).  I don't run from any specific plane because with the D-9, I feel like I have a fighting chance against every plane in the arena.  I am starting to fly a bit smarter, meaning that my K/D ratio is climbing.  In the D-9, there are no planes that I won't engage, however, there are situations that I will alter my method of fighting.

For example, last night, I ran from Niki's when I was caught low.  They turn better and have guns that make it easy for a snapshot to kill me.  Therefore, I would run to get seperation and then turn to reengage.  I don't run back to base unless I feel like it is the only option left for me.  However, I will fight any Niki I see at around 15k+.  Up there, I know that I can turn and climb with them and probably better thant them in most instances.  They don't scare me as much as they did when I was flying the hog and cat exclusively.

Do I run?  Of course I do.  I don't want to push a bad situation.  Do I run as much as everyone else?  I don't know, I don't worry about what everyone else does.

All I really know is that I am finally glad that my fav LW plane has been added and it matches the way that I fly and fight.


"Any American fighter near Orote Penninsula.  I have forty Jap planes surrounded and need a little help."
-Ens. W.B. "Spider" Webb during the Marians Turkey Shoot


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La7 and Dora pilots...a question pls?
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2001, 08:20:00 AM »
Hey Dok....

Grab that one ride that you prefer the most and stick with is the best way to improve in all aspects and reaquire your skills

I seem to be chasing everything these days except the La7...fortunetly, not many know how to fly it yet, which is a good thing for this Pony driver

Interesting how the introduction of new planes changes the dynamic. I can't help but think that a RPS would add even more fun for us all...I fly only the 51 as does the entire 13th TAS, however, we would enjoy an RPS, we would just all fly the same plane.

Well, you know what they say...wish in one hand and....


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