I enabled field guns but I beleave the map does not suport this function, or If it does it is not universal.
This map has a couple issues, but Sundog is aware of them and has planes to revamp them( both the winter and summer map). Issues we have discused are, more vehical spawns, field bugs( landing issues), field proximinity( their are some prety big gaps betwen some of the fields). This map was designed around the Kursk battle in 43( or rather it's Brother the summer map was) and the Vehical spawns up N are designed to place vehicals into a kinda cauldron, they meat in the middle to do battle, great for special events but not so great for CT battle whear we want GV to spawn towards the next base to augment the air attack.
I am very happy to hear you like the map it has always been a favorate of mine, I love the feal of the snow and the special snow fields very imersive. Hopefull Sundog can work his majic on the twins sometime in the future, both maps are a great asset for future CT set up's.