I have had some good fights with the 13th tas so I cant say they run. But most other 51s run.
I have numerous occassions ran into hi 51s who bore and ZZZZZZZZZZ to regrab then just run away when loose the advantage or are pinged. I pop film on then check to see who it is. Lotsa times its the same group of folks.
My guys have had fights with toads 51 and other guys from the 13th tas that have been from the deck to 20k. The p51 is consistantly the most shot down plane in ah. I for a short time was in a 51 squad. Its great plane and can be fun. But theres a wide gap between those who are aggressive and those who fly timid.
My squad flies the d9 and get a good percentage of the d9 kills every tour. But the d9 last tour only had 2% of the total kills. But our kills in the d9 scew its numbers. So when you say "all the 190s that run" well their aint a whole lot of umm in comparison to p51s which get far more kills but rarely has a + k/d. So you could argue its flown more then its kills reflect.
I also noticed that the 13th Tas are the only 51 squad registered for the squad v squad tourney.
This part of the rules may have scared the others away.
Running: Running for an extended period of time to avoid an opponent is considered a forfeit for that particular flight. If you have to ask, "Is this considered running?", then YES you are running and need to turn around and get back in the fight.
Toads right fly how you want but dont get upset when folks cal ya runstangs......