Author Topic: P51 Runners...  (Read 1454 times)

Offline MrLars

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P51 Runners...
« Reply #45 on: September 28, 2002, 10:31:07 AM »
Originally posted by Shane
alr- r.....  3-10 secs...  alt-r....    look aorund, sky clear...  alt-tab... click on AH film viewer icon.... open film... watch film... id lamers... close film and viewer, re-enter game... press / and type  "ahhhh so them lamer running stang weenies w/o a clue were so and so... duuuhweeeebiiiieeees"

i do it alla time.


LOL, ya got it down to a science Shane :D

Offline MrLars

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« Reply #46 on: September 28, 2002, 10:35:28 AM »
Originally posted by Maverick
Boy,,,,, How DARE anyone not fly the way mrlars WANTS them too. Doesn't every player know the game absolutely revolves around him?????:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

That's why he wants to tell everyone that another player isn't playing by the rules! Some life.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Tango, I believe  you have summed it up nicely. I think in this case it is a case of dweebus magnus since he covers a couple of those categories you mentioned.

Ya know, public castigation worked to get me out of the La7, hopefully it will help these guys that run when they are at an advantage stay and fight, that could possibly make YOUR fights a bit more fun...ya think?
« Last Edit: September 28, 2002, 10:42:25 AM by MrLars »

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #47 on: September 28, 2002, 12:58:53 PM »
The only problem in my fights are the CTD's which are still prevalent. I have no concern what ever about what anyone flies in any combat I am in. I just fly my plane the way I want and make my kills. Besides I find the fm2 to be as fun as te 51D. Both are handicapped in A2A combat in this game so I prefer the challenge.

I also don't clutter up Ch1 with juvinile drivel about the choice anyone else made in how THEY chose to play for their $15.00. I certainly don't start a thread dedicated to it either.
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Offline MrLars

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« Reply #48 on: September 28, 2002, 01:45:39 PM »
Originally posted by Maverick

I also don't clutter up Ch1 with juvinile drivel about the choice anyone else made in how THEY chose to play for their $15.00. I certainly don't start a thread dedicated to it either.

So, why bother responding at all?

All you're doing is helping to keep this thread at the top since your little pokes at me have zero effect.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #49 on: September 28, 2002, 02:46:32 PM »
I have had some good fights with the 13th tas so I cant say they run. But most other 51s run.

I have numerous occassions ran into hi 51s who bore and ZZZZZZZZZZ to regrab then just run away when loose the advantage or are pinged. I pop film on then check to see who it is. Lotsa times its the same group of folks.

My guys have had  fights with toads 51 and other guys from the 13th tas that have been from the deck to 20k. The p51 is consistantly the most shot down plane in ah. I for a short time was in a 51 squad. Its great plane and can be fun. But theres a wide gap between those who are aggressive and those who fly timid.

My squad flies the d9 and get a good percentage of the d9 kills every tour. But the d9 last tour only had 2%  of the total kills. But our kills in the d9 scew its numbers. So when you say "all the 190s that run" well their aint a whole lot of umm in comparison to p51s which get far more kills but rarely has a + k/d. So you could argue its flown more then its kills reflect.

I also noticed that the 13th Tas are the only 51 squad registered for the squad v squad tourney.

This part of the rules may have scared the others away.

Running: Running for an extended period of time to avoid an opponent is considered a forfeit for that particular flight. If you have to ask, "Is this considered running?", then YES you are running and need to turn around and get back in the fight.


Toads right fly how you want but dont get upset when folks cal ya runstangs......

Offline BenDover

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« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2002, 03:25:03 PM »
hmm, how does this sound for a new phrase?

"Fly what you like,
I'll whine about what I dislike"

Offline dtango

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« Reply #51 on: September 29, 2002, 02:07:56 AM »

Hmmm, let's see the D9 is one of the fastest planes in AH - faster even than the P-51.  Come now, you can't be serious in suggesting D9's don't run.

I think I'll have to use your post as a model example of illustrating the meaning of the idiom "the pot calling the kettle black".  ;)

You might do well to take a little of your own advice you're dishing out here about getting irritated with others calling the D9 the "hunstang".  :D

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #52 on: September 29, 2002, 07:59:15 AM »
I didnt say they didnt but the number d9s you see in the air in the main is considerably smaller then the number of 51s.

The 190d9 gets one of the highest k/ds in ah. My squad gets a huge percentage of the overall 190d9 kills.

The p51d is the most shot down aircraft in AH the past few tours. Its has a less then 1/1 k/d. This means quite a few sorties end up with out a kill for the 51.

This would indicate that the p51 is used more then its kill numbers would indicate. The opposite would be true for the d9.

The unperked fighters with the top 10 K/d from last tour are:

  • Fw 190D-9
  • P-47D-11
  • Fw 190A-5
  • Typhoon IB
  • F4U-1
  • Fw 190A-8
  • N1K2
  • Ki-61
  • La-7
  • Bf 109G-10
  • [/list=1]

    You can see all the 190s except  the 190-f8 are in the top ten. But even all the 190 kills added together are still smaller then the p51d.

    All the 190s (except f8) have a positive k/d. Which could indicate that the number of kills they get is skewed and the 190 usage is less then the number of kills they got last tour.

    But you dont find 190s at 25k (performance really drops off). I do see 51s at 25k making bore and zzz runs then to just give up and run away.

    Fly however you want and have fun just dont act as if what the originally poster said about p51 runners is not true. Dont deflect the issue to another plane whos overall usage is far less then a p51. For every 1 running d9 theres 5 or so p51s.

    When folks call p51 runstangs, yes its a generalization, but its true.

    Now I know every p51 guy is gonna post here that they dont run, or that every other plane runs more etc....Thats just alot of smoke.

    I certainly dont think theres anything wrong with it. I usually can tell within in the 1st few minutes what kinda fight I am gonna have. If its Bore and ZZZ then re-grab 5k then extend beyond icon range and come back to bore and zzz me again I just leave.

    Theres awesome 51 pilots out there, but you cant blame folks for calling it like they see it.

    If doesnt apply to you well great, but 51s still run alot :)

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #53 on: September 29, 2002, 08:06:53 AM »
and JG 2 dont run ever, I remember a tod with 6 p51s above 20k and 4 190a5s at 17k. The 51s ran around and around finally bore and ZZZ us abit we reversed and killed umm all.

I even typed over channel after 5 min or so, "If you p51s dont wanna fight let us know".  I was gonna rtb with still an hour to go in the frame. You can distort the issue but I have film of 412 guys with 4-6k advantage blowing it and running.

Like I said you all can play how you want its your time and money but dont say p51s dont run it flies in the face of the reality everyone in the main sees everyday.

The 412 are a good squad and but dont take it personnel, the skie is blue, the grass is green and a 25k runstang will run at the drop of hat. :) Just the way it is.

Offline akak

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« Reply #54 on: September 29, 2002, 08:40:53 AM »
Originally posted by Shane

i can speak as to why an la7 might be at 20k, tho...

proving that it can be effective up at alt, not the best, but effective if flown well.




Offline sling322

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« Reply #55 on: September 29, 2002, 08:42:42 AM »
I may be way off base here, but isnt the P-51 the default aircraft since it is plane number 1?  If this is the case, then every newbie that gets in the game and just hits the fly button without going to the hangar or reading the directions gets dropped into a P-51, right?  I know you have all seen it before...the new guy rolling P-51 after P-51 over and over at a base somewhere who dies about a dozen times before he even gets off the ground.  Doesnt this in some way affect the K/D of the Pony?

I got an idea....lets make the D-9 the default aircraft for a tour and see what happens when the situation is reversed.


Offline akak

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« Reply #56 on: September 29, 2002, 08:48:35 AM »
Originally posted by dtango
Why are dweebcats, dweebfires and other assorted turn-n-burners such whiners when others don't play their version of Quakes High?  I mean how lame can you be to fly around chasing others around in circles all day?  Seems about as lame and brainless as someone running on a hamster wheel.

Now- Before anyone gets bent out of shape by the above...

The point of the question is meant to demonstrate what a silly whine this thread is by making a statment equally as ludicrous.

Fly what you like, fly it the way you like, and don't let anyone dictate to you how you should fly ;).

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs

I don't see it really telling someone how to fly, I think Lars is just trying to tell these guys to find their balls and fight period.  And he's right, BnZer's are boring fighters with no imagination and probably social outcasts as well.

Here's a 9 minute and 7 second film of pure boredom.  Maybe the FW190 in the film was trying to shoot me down by making me fall asleep and augering.  It's a good example of why people ridicule and basically taunt those that just 'extend' which we all know really means tuck tail and run home to mommy.

Fight of the Sedatives


Offline BenDover

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« Reply #57 on: September 29, 2002, 09:22:22 AM »
Originally posted by sling322
I may be way off base here, but isnt the P-51 the default aircraft since it is plane number 1?  If this is the case, then every newbie that gets in the game and just hits the fly button without going to the hangar or reading the directions gets dropped into a P-51, right?  I know you have all seen it before...the new guy rolling P-51 after P-51 over and over at a base somewhere who dies about a dozen times before he even gets off the ground.  Doesnt this in some way affect the K/D of the Pony?

I got an idea....lets make the D-9 the default aircraft for a tour and see what happens when the situation is reversed.


nope, its the 109g10

at least for me anyway

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #58 on: September 29, 2002, 11:45:35 AM »
comon sling you dont believe do ya?

It aint noobs in a pack of 3 or 4 at 25 26k, I pop film just so I can see who they are when they run.

But dont take wrong fly how ever the heck ya want. But say that what the original poster said is wrong because we all know better.

Certainly dont deflect the issue, n00bs maybe responsible for the fact that the p51 is the most shot down plane in ah but not for the runnin. :)

I have no problem how folks wanna fly. Its up to them to decide how they wanna have fun. But if it bothers them when someone calls umm runners then they need a thicker skin.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #59 on: September 29, 2002, 11:59:57 AM »
watched your film akak that wasnt bnz and the start of your film he was lower then you.

He just didnt try to execute a proper reverse you piged him a bunch he extended and and came back to fight. I never heard of that guy dar but your film has no bearing on what I was talking about.

Planes which rely on speed need to use that speed to extend and reverse. Theres nothing wrong with that and I wouldnt consider that running whether it was a 190 or any plane.

Running would have been him just extending and kept on going until he got to friendlies or waited until you got bored of following then comes back to do it again.