Author Topic: Brit vrs US  (Read 837 times)

Offline Tuck

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« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2001, 07:34:00 PM »
two words for you kit:  MAD COW!

The Tuckster

"The first time I ever saw a jet, I shot it down."
Col. Chuck Yeager, USAAF


Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2001, 08:24:00 PM »
I always enjoyed 2 Third World nations fighting at each other. :p

Olivier "Frenchy" Raunier" TARGET=_blank>63rd FS, 56th FG
"Zemke's Wolfpack"
Ammo cannot stand to pay our P47s repair bill anymore ...
Santa even talked about awarding me the Iron Cross!!!
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline Seeker

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« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2001, 08:27:00 PM »
"I always enjoyed 2 Third World nations fighting at each other."

Franco-Prussian war?

Offline Wlfgng

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« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2001, 09:02:00 PM »

Now we're talking  :)

I'll knock one down for the brits  :)
I'll knock one down for the yanks  :)
I'll even knock one down for the Canuks !!!

It doesn't take much to get me to agree to a beer.

Offline Toad

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« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2001, 09:05:00 PM »
Sounds like your typical O-Club argument to me.

Hey.. there's an idea!

Take it to the O'Club!  ;)
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline JaCkNiFe

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« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2001, 11:34:00 PM »
True toady... and u all are just mad becuase u cant live in the heavenly US OF A... we have money.. we have smarts.. we have fat women.. beer... farms... drunks.. crack potatos.. strippers... gangstas.....  pot heads..... rich preps.... wiggers.... nazis.... Shemales..... Brits have ALL THAT?!?!!?!?!?!?!?

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: JaCkNiFe ]

Offline BenDover

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« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2001, 11:44:00 PM »
Originally posted by JaCkNiFe:
True toady... and u all are just mad becuase u cant live in the heavenly US OF A... we have money.. we have smarts.. we have fat women.. beer... farms... drunks.. crack potatos.. strippers... gangstas.....  pot heads..... rich preps.... wiggers.... nazis.... Shemales..... Brits have ALL THAT?!?!!?!?!?!?!?

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: JaCkNiFe ]

yes,and more

Offline funkedup

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« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2001, 11:52:00 PM »
.permasquelch kit

Offline JaCkNiFe

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« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2001, 11:59:00 PM »
really BEND over..... like gay men that like to BEND over and get it up the arse? we have a few but the nazis killed them.... do u have terrest? not that i remmeber... do u have a HUGE HUGE army with at least 2 million back up men for a war? probley not.... one thing is u do have HOT women.... seems to me that here women get fatty after collage... then they get ugly and men dont know what to heck to do!.... and i think KIT is just mad that he cant live a Rich lovly life with FREE crack potatos...
(most of this is just a joke and i hope ur smart enough to know that....) And the guys that think US is the best? plz man get a life.. im in USA and i dislike alot of it... USA may own everyone but i know there is a secret underground goverment that is ploting a tottal distruction of USA and let the mexians and Assstudmuffinstains take over.......... SO be AFRIAD

[ 12-29-2001: Message edited by: JaCkNiFe ]

[ 12-29-2001: Message edited by: JaCkNiFe ]

Offline BenDover

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« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2001, 12:10:00 AM »
you been in the glue again??  :p

Offline Swoop

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« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2001, 02:54:00 AM »

1)  this really aint the place, O'Club would have been better.

2)  The Brit bashing was started by FlyingWankstainSittingArsewip e, not a yank.  

3)  How many more shreckin times??!!!  The ENGLISH are the scum, not the BRITISH.   ;)


P.S.  Swamprat, while the SEALS are kitting up, the SAS forward team is planting charges all over their jump plane.    :p   :D

Offline FlyingDuckSittingSwan

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« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2001, 04:37:00 AM »
Originally posted by kit:
oh and those who say I am racist against U.S? I'm married to one.  I also think both England and U.S help each other to rule the world, it's called democary.

I get annoyed because of ignorance, it's like a brit saying we didn't nothing to Scotland and William Wallace was wrong.

Brits have done some really bad things which I am not proud of and I very rarely put posts up on here, but when people don't do their study and amke wild and stupid accusation because of pride, that ticks me off.


Funny how you like getting your facts right and in another post you say the Americans blew up one of our "tank platoons". It wasn't. They blew up one of our IFVs (infantry fighting vehicles).

Swoop...i started the UK v US thing, eh?  :mad: or right! i never forced you to answer or write your posts. you just want a scape goat!  :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:

And as for sying the English are the scum and not the British. Just remember what the English did in the film Braveheart. you Scots have English there!   ;)

If you're Welsh...then I'll just laugh at you if you don;t mind. There are more sheep in Wales than women...

and if you're from northern ireland i wont say anything cos you;re all nuts there  and you'll put a bomb under my bed or something.

Offline Drex

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« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2001, 05:18:00 AM »
How bizzare.



  • Parolee
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« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2001, 06:48:00 AM »
It is extremely curious how you determine who is better depending on who is able to kill more people ...

Offline CRASH

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« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2001, 06:57:00 AM »
It must be very difficult for you to shave in the morning, having to stare ignorance in the face and all.

Originally posted by kit:

....I get annoyed because of ignorance....
