Heinkel, it's usually best to use a few different layers... one for each type of transparency.
for example:
If you have a layer of detail that will make the color layer darker... like panel lines, holes, etc... give that layer a Multiply transparency setting and experiment with the Opacity value. This will make the actual color darker... not just black on blue, but a darker blue (as if in shadow)
If you want to add lighter details... like salt stains, scuffed paint, etc... make a separate layer with lighter details and give that layer a Screen transparency. This will do the opposite of Multiply by burning in the lighter areas into the background color. Not just white on blue, but lighter blue.
The Overlay transparency is kind of a mix of the two... any area you do not want to alter is 50% grey. Anything you want to be lighter; 49% or less. Darker; 51% or greater.
If you're putting on markings (roundels, letters, etc.) I suggest not using any transparency at all., just paste the marking into a blank layer and let it float in nullspace.
The order that I've been using...
- panel lines... Multiply
- rivets, lighter details... Screen
- markings... Normal, but without background
- New Paint Scheme... Normal
- any other template, reference
- original file as template