It makes a big difference. Smoths out the joystic jitter to none. Also adds some very practical programming features that resolves some of the disadvantages that underweighed the original programming features of the TM HOTAS sticks. Here is the link to the Stickworks stuff, I recommend it. recommend starting with the F22 file located in AH then modifying that. There are tons of F22 files on the net you can read and learn from once you get the basics down. For the HAT views, I recommend using RAW key codes. Youll understand when you get to that part. Using RAW keys allows the 1,5,7,11 oclock positions to be used if you have the 12,3,6,9 oclock RAW key codes programmed. If instead you use the keypad#, you will only be able to have the up,down,left,right positions available on your HAT. Also use digital (not keyboard key) button1 for the initial trigger pull. This allows you to map the key for fire secondary weapon on the second trigger detent and holds down initial trigger pull. Great for flying the 109s etc...
REM === GUNS ===
BTN TG2 Fire_Secondary
REM ================================ HAT 1 ================================
DEF X1 (H1U AND NOT S3) OR H1UR OR H1UL rem KP8 if forward quadrant
DEF X2 (S3 AND NOT H1M) OR H1U rem Up if S3 or HU and no S3
DEF X3 H1UR OR H1R OR H1DR rem KP4 on right quadrant
REM DEF X3 H1U OR H1R OR H1DR rem KP4 on right quadrant
DEF X4 H1DR OR H1D OR H1DL rem KP2 in back quadrant
DEF X5 H1DL OR H1L OR H1UL rem KP4 in left quadrant
REM DEF X5 H1DL OR H1L OR H1U rem KP4 in left quadrant
REM The cluster below actually assigns a defined variable from above to a key value
BTN X2 /H KP5 REM Hi view
BTN X3 /H KP6 REM Right
BTN X4 /H KP2 REM Back
BTN X5 /H KP4 REM Left
BTN X6 /H KP5 KP8 REM Up Front
BTN X7 /H KP5 REM High View