i need some help. I've been trying to put together an airfield, thats nor quite of usuall appearance. I want to make real grass field, on the esge of a forest, with no big hangers or concrete runways. So far i've been able to what u can see on the picture below. Now... is it possible too:
-make those little fighters (reskinned a6m2s) act as FHs
-make bigger ones (reskinned TMBs) act as BHs
-make the m3 next to the tower act as VH
-make a VTower act as an airfield tower
-make Tents act as town buildings
-trucks acting as Ammo Bunkers
-Drums acting as Fuel Tanks
I did all that (defining object function) and it seems to work, but when i destroy, lets say all fuels, i dont see it written on the check board in tower. It says fuel is 125% although i cant take more than 25% in HNGR. So, is there a way to make check board display correct info ?
Another problem with my map: i made 4 fields and 3 HQs (one for each country) and in-game i see only 2 HQs and both are Bish (double-checked that in editor they are assigned correctly).
And the last question (for now

) : why the skins i placed on a6m2 appear only when the camera gest close enough ? The TBM skin seems to be working ok at all ranges. U can even see that on the picture -> the Zekes to the left are green, the ones upper-right are white...
Anyone can help me on that, id appreciate it