Author Topic: 880 Sqn. FAA/RN Tunisia Dispatch  (Read 464 times)

Offline Skyfoxx

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880 Sqn. FAA/RN Tunisia Dispatch
« on: October 14, 2002, 01:13:58 PM »
APRIL 9, 1943
ATTN: Royal Navy Squadron Commanders, Fleet Air Arm
SUBJECT: 880 Sqn. FAA service recognition
Nearly three weeks ago eleven pilots of 880 Squadron were alerted to the fact that they would soon be dispatched from the HMS Indomitable to specified land bases in Tunisia for special assignments. Last week 880 Squadron successfully completed their brief re-assignment and returned to the carrier HMS Indomitable.

Led by Lt. Cmdr Warloc RN, pilots of 880 Squadron sortied 50 combat patrols over Tunisia and accounted for 28 confirmed kills and 27 associated assists. Only seven 880 planes were lost in combat and 880 Sqn. confirms an impressive 0 loss of life during this entire operation.

Truly, 880 Squadron has shown that they exemplify the best of the Royal Navy and they have set the mark for other RN squadrons to strive for.

Admiral Sir Dudley Pound
Fleet Admiral
Royal Navy

Being a historically based squadron, we at the 880 always enjoy participating in TOD's that relate to the historical action that the RL 880 saw during WWII. This TOD fit that bill well, as the RL 880 fought in the battles for North Africa from Oct, 1942- March 1943 before being reassigned to operations in Sicily.
to the Allies, LW and CM's for this very enjoyable TOD.
"Consider your own fortunes gentlemen the deepest circle of hell is reserved for traitors and mutineers."