SOB you FDBs sadden me with the your new 90's guy-in-touch-with-his-feelings 'look'.
Any idiot with half a brain would know that these tards can be easily sorted:
Step 1: Load Kazaa, download as many Donny and Marie Osmond, Abba, Barbara Steisand, and Barry Manilow songs as you can.
Step 2: Burn to CD
Step 3: Find a CD-Walkman from the basement
Step 4: Plug said CD-Walkman into MIC-in Jack on PC
Step 5: Counter Local Vox traffic with above music.
Originally posted by SOB
After not flying in forever, I got online today. I was looking for a mute for the vox myself, after a (self-stated) 12 year old, his friend, and another couple of pile-its started arguing on the channel about the kid and his friend blathering on over the open vox. Any reasons for not having a mute, or is this just something on the list to be implimented?