Putting on the Apollo 13 handmade vest...
"What do we have GOOD on this machine people?"
1.Power Supply -Check it cables IS seated. Good
2.Reformat, install WIN98 - ME, doesn't matter, both good gaming platforms
3. Did the CDROM take both disks easily? Or IS it screwing up on disks and constant light on? Then I tried to load ME, better, but still porked.
IS it loading complete or messing up? If so, so, get the CDROM out of there. Swap a friends in there. That's called shovel maintenance. Throw everything at it. Not likely though.
Dude, seperate Hardware from Software, Im to fukin drunk to make a case.
But if you made all the good hardware swaps, update every driver you have. Actually it's 90% of your problems, and my remedy.
And they aint the ones that came with the card, or soundboard. It's not easy, just search and update on the net, finally, install the latest DX8.