lol... that's all it is... loads of multicolored letters.
Okay... let's say that you want to put a special tail letter on a rudder, but the rudder was mapped separately...i.e., not as part of the fuselage side view, but on some unobvious part of the texture, perhaps in a large solid blue area of the texture... but you don't know where exactly.
Drop this texture onto the shape... rename it to replace the texture you want.
Import the texture into your map, build the map, test your map offline. Choose the aircraft in question from the hangar. Put it on the runway. Look at the plane in F3 view. Use F8 to pan around.
Find the area in question... i.e., the rudder... and see what is there for a texture. If there is a purple "..HIJK.." on a black background, then you know which area on the real texture to look for. Correlate the "purple HIJK on black" to the same area on the real texture. No two letter/background combinations are the same.
It's for reverse engineering.