Author Topic: Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!  (Read 222 times)

Offline SunKing

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« on: October 14, 2002, 03:42:12 AM »
I will start it off.  :eek:   This is kinda long but well worth it.

 I lived up in Placerville California home of the Coloma Gold Rush surrounded by locals "haunted by the miners" I had 4 experiences which I can't explained. Being the sceptic I am I have no explination for the things I experienced.
Placerville is famous for the "Hangmans Tree". An infamous tree that served justice to many illegit miners. I worked at a cafe on Main Street, other side of the west wall was the stump of that very tree (spooky music inserted here).

One Sunday morning I was bussing tables and told to clean the restrooms. The back hallway to the restrooms was very narrow, you almost had to walk single file.  As I'm approaching the womens restroom and very young girl in a blue ruffle dress squeezes by me and enters the restroom closing the door.
I clean the hallway trash bin and wait outside the door for the customer to finish. The boss comes up to me with a scowl look on her face"Why aren't you in there cleaning" she barks.  I tell her of the little girl. She opens the door and there is no little girl in the restroom, just the light on, the sink running and a spilt waste basket. She was ticked, I was puzzled.

Two weeks later I was working an evening shift. On the west wall (same side as the stump) there was a huge Elks Head mounted on a plaque over a table against the west wall. A man was eating at the time. Suddenly the man starts choking on his dinner. He's choking so bad he gets up and runs to the restroom. While he is gone minutes later, the Elks head slips from the plaque shattering his table and chair.

The next day I ask a long time waitress about the 'ghosts'. I'm answered with countless stories of strange patrons, salt and pepper shakers that roll off tables at night and scatter the ground, and a true tale of two carpenters that stayed the night in the resturant while they were remodeling the place( to detour theft ). Turns out they attepmted to stay the night in the area designated to be the walk in freezer. So the story goes these two men just up and left in the middle of the night, left all their tools and didn't come back to the cafe to retrieve them, instead they met the owner at a half way point 4 days later. They told her stories of old men yelling at them in the night telling them to leave, toliets over flowing with water, sinks turning off and on, and waste basket paper blowing around the kitchen area like there was a huge wind.

Continuing to be sceptical I figured there had to be an answer.

Business was about to pick up for me...

So late one afternoon I'm closing with a waitress. It's only 4pm but during the Fall and with large buildings on Main Street it got dark fast in the ole cafe. The Kitchen and pantry where in the shape of an "L" the small side of the "L" being the pantry and the top of the "L" the entrance to the kitchen which had two Old West  swinging bar doors. The pantry was full of assort sizes of mixing bowls for the Apple Hill pastry season. Immediately to your left entering the kitchen was the large metal sink.

We were vacuming and almost done when I had to ask her what she thought of all the ghost stories going around. She told me to be quite and she didn't have an opinion nor saw anything suspicious. I continued to prod her about the issue saying stuff like " you can't possible believe these people, they are all just trying to get attention". She kept on vacuming and I finished mopping the kitchen and turned off the light. Being a brat, I rolled a tennis ball across the room from the kitchen, "poltergiest stlye" doing whatever I could to play games and make lite of the situation. Soon we were both laughing about it all and calling out loud to the kitchen together "'We aren't afraid of no ghosts!", "come on out ghosty!" and similar rantings. Then suddenly...


A tremendous crashing sound came from the kitchen I had just mopped and turn the lights out in!. We were both frozen.  She turned to me and asked "What the hell was that?!". It was all I could do not to run away at that moment. I had a broom still in my hand and slowly walked toward the kitchen, she was right behind me creeping along. I reached in with the mop around the corner to flip the light switch. What I saw was amazing. All the baking pans that were systematically stack in the pantry were littering the kitchen! There were pans on the floor, on the oven, on the sandwhich bar. I hear a noise and quickly turn to my left.. the sink.. Inside the sink was a mixing bowl still spinning on it's axis like a quater woud if you spun it.  We both turned, and ran for the door, in our haste to get outta there we left the light on in the kitchen and the pans where they lay!, fumbled with locking the door and we were gone!!!

Now looking back I can't explain it. There was no way anyone could have gained entrance to that kitchen. The back door was one of those old castle type doors where you lay a bar down and it locks the door from the inside , the outside is seamless, no way anyone could have entered. I also mopped that kitchen from the rear to the front walking backwards, no one could have stayed in that small kitchen without me seeing..  Calling Moulder!
I have a few others but they can wait till tomorrow.    

Please post your experiences...

Offline SunKing

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2002, 08:53:08 PM »
So this last year I was living at a friends winery in an old historic buidling. One night while flying AH. I just happen to look down the hallway and see the hallway door unlatch swing up and then moments later the bedroom door unlatch and swing open. As if someone was exited the entered the hallway from the laundry room and opened the bedroom door to enter it. Very creepy, I just sat there staring waiting for something  to pop out at this rate. After I tell the story to a friend I find out a previous tenant was commited to a home after having a breakdown screaming of being haunted in that same buidling.

Offline OIO

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2002, 09:53:29 PM »
In '95 my family and I were having dinner in the kitchen table.

It was a round, plastic table, you know, those that you use for pools and outdoors kinda thing.

I was sitting with a window to my right, the kitchen door to my left.

We had a "guest" room behind the kitchen (behind me where I was sitting) that had been converted into a small workshop for my mom's woodwoorking stuff and a few things that my dad would store there. Everything in the room was either very heavy (woodwoorking benches and saws and tools) or was neatly stacked and had been that way for nearly a year.

Anyway, we were all eating dinner and talkin, the birds chirping outside, the electric HUMMMM of the fridge and other appliances when out of the blue we all stopped talking and just stared at some point in space... you know, like when you think of something VERY important and just STOP doing anything else while you think hard to figure it out?

Well, we all did this simultaneously.. I remember I just had this sensation that something was gonna happen and for a second or two I just blanked out...not in panic but I just couldnt think or feel anything. Then ALL noise stopped. Like white noise, or when just before an earthquake everything goes quiet?

No birds, no humm from the freezer, nothing.

I remember looking at the window in a snap, noticing my parents and sister did the same.. I dont even fuggin remember WHY i looked at the window there was nothing there nor did anything catch my eye, I just did it.

And thats when we all felt this FORCE come in from the window, pass behind my mom (who had her back to the window), then behind my dad (sitting in front of me) and I dont know if it went THROUGH me or damn close to me but I felt something slam me into the chair (like when an airplane takes off?) followed by the sound of things being thrown against a wall in the room behind us.

It was all over in less than 5 seconds. Happened so fast and yet time like froze for us.

We ran like nuts to the back room to find all the heavy tools flipped over and against the wall and all the stuff my dad has stashed just thrown all around the room.

To this day we aint got a fuggin CLUE what the hell that was. We didnt see or hear or nothing... we all just FELT thing , we all FELT the way it moved (my sis, sitting to my left described her KNOWING that thing moved behind mom and dad and went past me..KNOWING but not knowing HOW) and then how thin air moves 20lb + items and desks clear across a room is beyond me.

Another one that happened in the same kitchen in late 97, we were having dinner when the ceiling fan just snapped one of its blades. Later that night we found out the same thing had happened to the ceiling fan on my parent's room.

The next day we were informed the father of one of my best friend's and a friend of my dad had passed away in Germany. This guy had installed the fans for us.


Offline Yeager

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2002, 11:11:30 PM »
I was at home one non particular saturday several years ago watching a movie just minding my own business.  There was a scene where a black fella was playing the piano and the song he played I had never heard before.  It was very beautiful song and the guy was singing.  It was a spiritual song, like an old black gospal song from way back, just spititually provoking.  The wierd thing was that for no reason that I could think, I suddenly thought of my grandfather and I began to tear up.  It frightened me, I couldnt understand why I thought of him.  Well the movie pressed on and I slowly got over this eventually forgetting about it as the movie ended.

A few hours later me mum called and told me that my grandad had been rushed to the hospital down in Oregon.  He died later that night.

F%ck, Im crying again........pshaw!
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Nefarious

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2002, 11:55:27 PM »
I was camping at a Campsite in Gettysburg PA, I was about 13. Me and a couple of friends were walking around the campsite where about 50 people were calling home for the night. We moved through a group of trees to come to barbed wire fence. The Barbed wire fence surrounded a huge wheat or hay field. We sat there noticing the fog moving on the field and the stars and almost full moon and what not.

Its kinda hard to describe what I saw. If you are an avid cartoon watcher try to picture how a swarm of bees is animated. Lots of little dots that move in a big swarm. Only this looked like a teardrop or a football.

Anyway. The object silently passed by at what felt like no more than 15 feet, It had some pretty good speed on it. So fast, that I wasnt sure what I had just seen. I turned to my friend Cameron, Who was staring at me. He asked me "What the hell was that?"

I turned to my other friend, but he was nearly 25 feet away, Apparently he took off running as soon as he saw it. Cameron and I wasted no time either after we saw Josh booking back for the campsite.

That was the only Supernatural experience I've ever had. It was almost exhilarating but still somewhat scary.
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline Hangtime

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2002, 12:39:40 AM »
My daughter brought this maggot home when she was 15.

I took pity on the kid and got him a job out of state. Not long thereafter there came to pass a terrible tragedy... they say it was a horrible accident. His co-workers had no idea he couldn't swim in toejam.

He's a ghost now, and he haunts a now disused steelworkers union outhouse in the Trenton NJ.
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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2002, 12:51:05 AM »
not really a "ghost story" really, but it is kinda weird.

I used to live in this one bed apartment with my then girlfriend.  

Anyway i have two cats.  And when we were in bed at night, sometimes...about 4 times a week, my cats would just stare at this spot on the wall.  They would occassionally touch it too.  Not bat at it cat style like they were playing with something, just touch it.

And they would do this for sometimes over an hour.  Anyway it always felt really weird when they did this, like the room felt "charged" for lack of a better way to describe the feeling.  

The girlfriend and I could never sleep when they were doing this, and if you tossed the cats off the bed they would be back instantly.  The freakiest was when you woke up in the middle of the night and the cats were right beside you, just staring at or touching the spot on the wall.

Course i figured it was some wiring or something, but after talking to the maintenace guy for the building, he told me that there were no wires there at all.

Offline john9001

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2002, 01:08:22 AM »
i have no ghost storys, they must not like me

Offline senna

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2002, 01:29:13 AM »
Im haunted from time to time by a ghost like pair of panties. Sometimes they are pink, sometimes they are cream. I'll be asleep then all of a sudden wake up soaking wet only to see that I've cum and that there is a mysterious scent in the air and a torn piece of cotten or silk caught in my window. Oh that and a horrible dream that I was raped again by the ghost of panties. Thats why I now sleep with a condom on, just in case.

Oh and I wear cologn (St Laraun or Gucci) to ward off the panty ghost.


Offline NUKE

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2002, 09:27:39 AM »
I saw a ghost hiding behind a door once and I got scared.

Offline Tracer-15

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2002, 10:43:42 AM »
I am a junior firefirefighter at one of my towns companys....Pennington Road....and we ALL believe our station is dead the day(lounge) room there is a day me and two other guys walked in to get sodas and the tv came big deal....then it started to change channels to the TV Land channel.....i asked who turned it one had touched it or the shut off five minutes later...again we never touched it.....another story was when some of us put chairs out for a meeting...but the we got a call.....when we returned 30 mins later....the chairs had been put back where they were stored....and no one had been in the station.

Offline Thrawn

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2002, 11:05:54 AM »
The ghosts of all the dead chickens I molested haunted me to this day.

Offline SunKing

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Its Halloween time... share your real life ghost stories!
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2002, 12:20:39 PM »
Nefarious's story reminded me of another inccident at the winery I lived at. Wineman and I had hosted a couple of full moon paintball games out in his vineyard. During one particular game a friend and I were the only ones left on our team. We sat atop this hill at the dirt intersection watching all directions for movement.. Suddenly I see one of our friends running parallel to us at the bottom of the hill. Jason is a tall guy, almost 7ft I'd say. That night he was wearing a huge green jacket. I can still close my eyes and picture what I saw. Someone huge running down the row of vines, his arms swining high above the grapes moving quickly, it had to be Jason.... So I get up and start booking down the hill, turn the corner and start firing on him maybe, 50 ft behind him. I can still see his huge frame in the dark. As I open fire he suddenly turns 90 degrees to the left nad dives down the ravine into thick blackberries and foliage. I run up to the spot where he ducked in and I'm just lighting up the entire area I saw him enter. I'm yelling to him to call himself out and I can still hear m scrambling through the thorns. I keep shooting, getting a bit ticked cause he's not calling himself dead. In the distance I start hearing some friends from the house yelling... "come back guys the games over, pizzas here". I stop shooting at "Jason" and yell to him.. "screw it I'm going back you can sit in throns"

My buddy and I walk the 5 mins back to the house. We enter the dining room and see everyone around the table eating pizza including Jason!! Everyone in plane clothes obiviously out of their gear over 30 mins at least. We ask Jason if he was playing and he tells me he was one of the 1st players out. So who/what was this person I was chasing in dark.  

To this day Wineman I and call it the "ApeBeast" ( long story). Sometimes when I'm visting the winery, walking out to my car at night I'm still having to peak over my shoulder once or twice.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2002, 12:26:57 PM by SunKing »