Eagler, we do not have parlamentary system here. I cannot vote for the party composed of economists and accountants that is interested in oversight of industry ethics to represent me in Congress - even if with a couple of seats. I have about five candidates in NY from which the democrat will be elected. I am pretty sure that none of them is a financier or economist and the issues they advertise have nothing to do with that one - mostly they discuss handouts for useless elderly who failed to amass retirement savings despite great health that allowed them to live so long and free time from not having children who would care for them or pay the taxes.
The product I want is just not sold here - gun contol, presciiption benefits, finance reform - but no stand on accounting standards.
BTW - the candidates are probably all good peope. I am quite willing to let them decide teopogical questions like when ensoulment occures so they know when abortion becomes a murder. But since they have no clue about accounting and no interest in it, why not live it to pivate firms.
Same with president - he has his hands full with his constitutional duties - military, foreign relations, etc.
Whatever gov't does is necessarily polittical. Federal reserve and treasuty are supposed to fight inflation and stabilise economy.
Well, what is the raise in price of investment earnings or housing if not inflation? Why wouldn't they act to prevent stock market bubbles or rise in housing prices? Becasue that woule not be political. When price of bread grows 4% it's bad but when house price shoots up by 40% it's somehow good? Or stock market doubles in two years?
Who corrected the stock mareket bubble and will correct housing prices bubble, the government? I do not think so. It will be us - the private folk.
Of course then there will be an outcry because the idiot who kept his retirement savings in Enron stock will owe $300,000 on a $100,000 house - and get foreclosed. I bet there will be appeals to nationalise housing market.