You are all missing the one key element in these red light cameras. The one big draw back to them is that the companys that produce the cameras are making almost all of the revenue from them. The State barely breaks even on the installation of these spendy units. So in a way its like someone like Bill Gates charging you money if you go through a red light.
I know the supposed intent of these cameras are for public safety, but lets face it government relies on our money. So for them to spend tax money on these cameras and not renew their expense is basically wasting our hard earned tax dollars!
I frankly think government is starting to get to powerful and yes intrusive into the publics lives. Its almost as ridiculos as getting a #@*#@*@ seatbelt ticket! Do you think that they care about your safety when they write you these ticket......Hell NO! They are just making a way to increase revenue. IMO if a person of legal age can vote, drink, and smoke cigarettes, Why cant he or she decide if they strap on a seatbelt or not? If they dont and get in an accident the only person hurt is themselves, so I say Government needs to stay out of some things.
If they want to make traffic lights safer then instead of wasting money on new technology, try lengthening the cycles between yellow to red and from one directions' red to the others green!
Whew I feel better now feel free to continue........