Author Topic: Three small suggestions  (Read 95 times)

Offline TopQuark

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Three small suggestions
« on: October 29, 2002, 01:41:46 PM »
Nothing radical here, just some easily implementable suggestions that will make the game a little nicer to play.

When I'm in the tower looking at the map, I see my own side as green but both other sides appear as red. It takes close scrutiny to see which of the enemy are which (I'm a Knight so I have to examine the small icons next to the bases to seperate the red Bishops from the red Rooks). Could the two enemy teams be a slightly different shade of red - say one tinted towards magenta just a touch and the other tinted towards orange. Both would still be fairly red but should be easily distinguishable from each other.

Another *slighty* annoying thing about the map is the amount of time it takes to zoom in and out. When first zooming in, it expands quite quickly but when you're zoomed all the way in, it gets painfully slow. Could the zoom be made non-linear - ie: the scale factor increases in proportion to the current zoom.

Another small point: when someone speaks using voice, their name appears at the top right of the screen and appears to remain there for about a second after they've finished. The problem is that I often hear someone say something but if I'm a little slow looking at who said it, the name's gone. How about a scrolling list of, say,  the last three people to speak using voice - a little bit like the scrolling text message window.

Thanks for producing an excellent game !

Offline Fancy

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Three small suggestions
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2002, 03:35:00 PM »
All these are excellent suggestions.  The first is the most salient I think as WHICH team you assault has quite a lot to do with strategy.  I agree that as it stands now it is difficult to tell on a base-to-base basis much less get an overall idea of the situation.