Author Topic: CT Regulars, Who Are You?  (Read 3821 times)

Offline Oldman731

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CT Regulars, Who Are You?
« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2002, 12:06:44 PM »
Your Aces High call sign? It's significance?
Oldman.  When I first logged onto Air Warrior, in October, 1996, I figured that I would probably be the oldest guy playing.  After all, computer sims are for kids, right?

Your Aces High squad?
None.  I tried a squad once, in AW, but found that I just couldn’t commit to being available for squad operations.

Your name?
John Weston

Your age?
Fifty.  (Half of a what[/b]?)

Your Email?
Varies. works most of the time.

Where do you live?
Lansdale, PA, thirty-two miles north of Philadelphia.  Green grass and trees, but a lengthy commute every day.

Where else have you lived?
Born in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, and until recently had more hours there than any one other place.  Syracuse, New York for a couple of toddler years.  Columbus, Ohio for the Wonder Bread Years, and regret having ever moved away.  Allentown, PA for high school and as a base of ops through college and law school.  Delaware Valley ever since.

What do you do for a living?
Lawyer.  Isn’t everyone?

What is your marital/family status?
Married since April, 1979, and to the same woman, would you believe?  Sixteen year old daughter and twin thirteen year old boys (I have noticed that there are a lot of parents of twins flying AH.  Should suggest this as a study for a budding statistician’s doctoral thesis.)

What schools have you attended?
Penn State undergrad, 1970-74.  Ohio State law school, 1974-77.  Odd fact: I really hate watching football games.  In Columbus, in particular, they take the sport WAY too seriously.  The only riot I was ever involved in was over the 1975 OSU-Michigan football game - and that was complete with rubber bullets, tear gas, helicopters and a line of police chasing the hapless Oldman down 11th Avenue.

What degrees do you have?
B.A. in history, J.D. in, um, jurism or something.

What are your hobbies?
Why, back when I had time for hobbies, they included such things as shooting and hunting, sailing, hiking and similar manly pursuits.  Now that I’m working and raising a family, these have been reduced to reading military history on the toilet and snatching the odd half hour to play AH when/if the kids go to bed.

What other flight sims have you been involved in?
Microsoft Flight Simulator would have been the first, followed by the Lucas Arts trilogy (Battlehawks 1942, Battle of Britain, SWOTL).  MS Jet, Fighting Falcon, Dynamix’ first A10 game, and Fleet Defender were in there, somewhere, and convinced me I wasn’t terribly interested in jet aircraft.  Air Warrior pushed all those way out of sight, although I briefly toyed with EAW.  When AW died, I moved to AH.

Your call sign and squad in that sim?
Heh heh.  I have an irresistible urge to repeatedly prove that I am not too bright.  I picked the handle “Oldman” for Air Warrior, without stopping to consider that this would be truncated to its first five characters for my CPID.  Consequently I flew as “Oldma” for years, leading people to wonder if I was either an old lady or had some weird sexual identity problems.  The difficulty was compounded by the fact that there was, and still is, another “Oldman,” one who was smarter than me and knew that he should adopt the handle “Oldmn” so that it would come out right.  In practice there was no problem in AW, because he flew relaxed realism and I flew full realism.  Both of us have migrated to AH, and we find that he stays in the MA and I stay in the CT.  This should explain why so many newcomers to the CT are happy to see me - they think I’m the other guy.  I would like to point out to Hitech, if he ever reads these things, that this is an excellent reason to retain the CT in version 1.11.

Do you have any other connection to aviation or WWII?

Other interesting things about yourself.

- oldman

Offline daddog

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CT Regulars, Who Are You?
« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2002, 02:36:35 PM »
These threads are always fun and I enjoy reading about you guys. :)

Your Aces High call sign? It's significance? – daddog. I am a dad several times over. The dog theme goes with the squad. :)

Your Aces High squad? – 332nd Flying Mongrels

Your name? – James Glazier
Your age? – 43
Your Email? –
Where do you live? – California, USA in a small town called Twain Harte up in the Sierra Mts.
Where else have you lived? – Southern CA, and the San Joaquin Valley.

What do you do for a living? – Teacher

What is your marital/family status? – Married 10 years with 4 children.

What schools have you attended? – Northridge University, Fresno State.

What degrees do you have? - AA, a degree in Geography and a teaching credential.

What are your hobbies? – Hunting, fencing, martial arts when I have the time.

What other flight sims have you been involved in? Your call sign and squad in that sim? – Warbirds aka jwg and then changed it to daddog.

Do you have any other connection to aviation or WWII? – Mom and dad met while working on the P-38 in LA during the war.

Other interesting things about yourself. – I used to be a bouncer as various questionable establishments in down town Fresno. Ah those were the days... :D
Noses in the wind since 1997
332nd Flying Mongrels
Knowing for Sure

Offline kidcol

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CT Regulars, Who Are You?
« Reply #47 on: November 05, 2002, 04:21:00 PM »
From Corwin's:

"Regional Credit Officer for large US Bank "

That's scarier than Texas & high school football anyday, hehe :)


Offline -Concho-

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CT Regulars, Who Are You?
« Reply #48 on: November 05, 2002, 11:29:26 PM »
Hell Oldman I thought you were him, bbut someone stole your Z key :)

that other dude wears me out...

Offline Naso

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Re: CT Regulars, Who Are You?
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2002, 10:16:33 AM »
Your Aces High call sign?  Naso

It's significance? nose :)

Your Aces High squad? 4° Stormo Caccia "F.Baracca"

Your name? Francesco Cantella

Your age? 37

Your Email?

Where do you live? Pozzuoli, NA, Italy, Europe

Where else have you lived? Rome, Naples

What do you do for a living? I survive :)

What is your marital/family status? Single, can change without notice ;)

What schools have you attended? Public

What degrees do you have? 36° C, except when i am sick

What are your hobbies? before AH: modelling, martial arts, kart race, archaeology, good readings, WWII history, sailboats.... After AH: AH

What other flight sims have you been involved in? None

Your call sign and squad in that sim? none

Do you have any other connection to aviation or WWII?

 to aviation, apart the pilot licence, nothing,
 to WW2, my father was 9 years old and lived in Naples, under the B17 bombs, he tasted what you (US citizens) and your parents have not tasted of the REAL war, like being without water, electricity and food, eating a soup of shoes (yes, shoes!!) sometime, stealing with young friends food for the family from the German military depots, witnessing the rape of the german soldiers on women in the streets, helping the population in the rebellion against the Germans, by bringing ammos and bombs, witnessing a young (16-17 yrs) German soldier be tied on his motorcycle while asking mercy, and burned alive, welcoming the Allieds when they later enter the city, witnessing allied soldiers raping women in the streets, still no food (grandfather a fascist officer, that's why no soup for you!!), so stealing food for family in allied military depot, and witnessing an Allied soldier shooting in the head a friend (remember, we are talking 9-11 year old children) "because it's a damn pasta-thief".

That's some of the memoryes he told me, btw, he does'nt want to tells the stories, seem the memoryes still hurts.

Other interesting things about yourself. who know, you have to ask my friends.

Offline -Concho-

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« Reply #50 on: November 07, 2002, 07:42:31 AM »
  PUNT!!   :D

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #51 on: November 07, 2002, 08:20:35 PM »
Originally posted by -Concho-

Have lived in Pilot Point,TX. (a whole 5 miles away)




Pffft. You can brag after you played for the PLANO BY GOD WILDCATS!:D
Have won state Championships in 2A, in 3A, twice in 4A, and twice in 5A.

Offline Sakai

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Re: CT Regulars, Who Are You?
« Reply #52 on: November 08, 2002, 07:33:30 AM »
Originally posted by eskimo2
If you play in the CT on a somewhat regular basis, please post in this thread about yourself.  

Your Aces High call sign?

It's significance?
I flew in AW for years with only a mouse and the Zero was the only plane you could really knife fight in using that setup.  You could bomb quite effectively, but in fighters, it was the Zeke.  Basically, I was trying various log-in names but, the first 20 I tried were taken and in frustration I typed in “SaburoSakai” and it took, and with the mouse/Zeke thing happening, it was a natural.  I always was fascinated by WWII aerial combat and Sakai symbolizes much of what was best of that.

Your Aces High squad?
Hammerheads.  These guys have been there for me for years and they mostly keep their hands to themselves when we have naked squad nights.

Your name?
Harry Roark James (I use whole my name as half the people I know call me Roark, other half Harry)

Your age?

Your Email?

Where do you live?
Tallahassee, Florida

Where else have you lived?
Born in Boise, Idaho, lived short while in Grand Junction, Colorado; all my school years were in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Lived also in Arizona (Patagonia), Arkansas (briefly in Little Rock).

What do you do for a living?
Environmental consulting work on the other side of Oldman.

What is your marital/family status?
2nd Marriage.  Two kids by first, Boy 10 and Daughter 8.

What schools have you attended?
University of Utah

What degrees do you have?
BA in English

What are your hobbies?
Cooking, hunting, fishing, reading, creative writing, guitar, politics and film.

What other flight sims have you been involved in? Your call sign and squad in that sim?
Do you have any other connection to aviation or WWII?
Air Warrior, same and same.  Had a hunting buddy who was a B-17 tail gunner, two step uncles were aviators:  one shot down, KIA mustang pilot over France, one survived navy fighter pilot, Pacific assignment.  

Other interesting things about yourself.
On the first date? No way, you’re going to have to buy me dinner first, and maybe ice cream after.

I am the tall one, the other young man is Benton Avery James.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2002, 08:54:10 AM by Sakai »
"The P-40B does all the work for you . . ."

Offline Sakai

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Re: Hey sakai
« Reply #53 on: November 10, 2002, 09:08:47 AM »
Originally posted by Hang
I was in the hammerheads as well in AW and for about a year in AH.(see post from me on page 1) maybe you remember me in aw
hangman and in early AH I was hang82.

Hi Hangman!

You flying in CT from time to ime?

"The P-40B does all the work for you . . ."

Offline AKKarma

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« Reply #54 on: November 10, 2002, 08:32:29 PM »
Originally posted by CurtissP-6EHawk
Your Aces High call sign? It's significance?
P6EHawk- I am building an 80% replica of the 1933 AAF Fighter built by Curtiss called the P-6E Hawk. Many pics on website.

Greetings Gents,

  I'm not a CT regular, and I'm not even sure why I started reading this thread, but I'm glad I did.  When I came across P6EHawk's post, I took a look at the site and thought that they looked very familiar.  Let me explain.

  Last Thanksgiving, I took my mother-in-law to visit her brother's grave in Arlington Cemetery.  He was an Army Air Force cadet who died in a crash during a training mission in April 1943.

  After we got back from the cemetery, my mother-in-law went down to the basement and dug up a bunch of old yellowed watercolor paintings that her brother had done when he was in his late teens.  He was 20 when he died.  Some of the paintings are dated in the late 1930s, and some are signed as "Allen Reasoner, U.S.A.A.F", indicating that he must have been painting even after he enlisted.

  I tried to take pictures of a few of the paintings using my digital camera, but the quality isn't that great.  I was able to identify some of the aircraft, but a few escaped me.  Which brings me back to the P-6E.  I believe that the image entitled 'Unknown3' could be a Curtiss Hawk.  Please take a look and let me know what you think.



Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #55 on: November 14, 2002, 05:28:51 PM »

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #56 on: November 14, 2002, 07:17:15 PM »
Akkarma That airplane cannot be posatively IDed but is not the Hawk, nor the Navy GosHawk. The best I can do is that the Navy ordered two WACO UBF-2s which one was aboard the USS Macon. .

The WACO WHD that was ordered as a fighter for the Cuban Airforce.

Based on the painters other paintings, he seemed to have a bit of an imagination. Very nice paintings indeed!!!!!

If I run across something better I will post it
« Last Edit: November 14, 2002, 07:21:16 PM by CurtissP-6EHawk »

Offline Red Tail 444

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Re: CT Regulars, Who Are You?
« Reply #57 on: November 18, 2002, 01:35:10 PM »
Your Aces High call sign?

It's significance?
Lifetime nickname. From competing in sports.

Your Aces High squad?
VF 27 Hellcats

Your name?
Paul Gaines

Your age?

Your Email?

Where do you live?

Where else have you lived?

What do you do for a living?
Therapist / Educator

What is your marital/family status?

What schools have you attended?
Bridgewater State College, MA

What degrees do you have?
M. Ed, BA

What are your hobbies?
Getting flamed in the BBs...getting killshotter when dweebs cut in front...Horses, fishing, working out, travel

What other flight sims have you been involved in?

Your call sign and squad in that sim?

Do you have any other connection to aviation or WWII?

Offline Red Tail 444

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« Reply #58 on: November 18, 2002, 01:36:06 PM »
Sakai, I remember you n AW!!!!

Offline Red Tail 444

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« Reply #59 on: November 18, 2002, 01:41:54 PM »
oh..this is me