Originally posted by empire2
i have made a terrain,pretty messed up, but its a usable terrain none-the-less.but i want to know how to change the skin...ive messed with everything but havent found out how...
http://www.accesswave.ca/~tscott/AH-stuff/AH-Editor&Stuff/Skins/MakeSkin.exeThis is a small working terrain.
Install it.
Delete the Shpfilter.txt file from your C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains folder so that all the shapes are available to you while in the TE ( Terrain Editor ).
Run the TE
Goto File
Get the MakeSkin.oba
Open it
Click the TE Object tab ( top right )
Select the plane you want to reskin from the available shape list Click Save Texture ( top right )
Exit TE
You find a new folder in your C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains\MakeSkin dir called "savedtex"
There is where you'll find the .bmp of the shape you selected.
All the .bmp are in wrong position and must be "Flipped Vertically" in whatever paint program you are using.
Skins that are completed then get placed into the texsrc folder C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains\MakeSkin\texsrc
If you don't have a texsrc folder then you'll need to make one.