Author Topic: those LW pilots are artists  (Read 175 times)

Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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those LW pilots are artists
« on: November 14, 2002, 07:35:27 PM »
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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those LW pilots are artists
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2002, 07:52:16 PM »
Is that correct from CFS3? Never tried it, but sounds so "right" :D


CFS 3 : Tactical Air Combat Over Europe!
A Ron Schrader Review

Without a doubt the leader in the civilian flight-simulator market, Microsoft has also had considerable success with its Combat Flight Simulator (CFS) series. Both CFS and CFS 2 were solid, enjoyable sims that played well and looked good doing it. CFS 3 is the newest and most ambitious game in the series, featuring a dynamic campaign and an all-new engine written from the ground up for combat flying. In an interesting take on the air war, CFS 3 departs from the usual focus on strategic bombing and focuses on the tactical war; ground-pounding and CAS (Close Air Support) are heavily featured on both sides of the campaign. The end result however, is a disappointment. CFS 3 is one of those games you really want to like. It's predecessors have been good and hey, it’s got a dynamic campaign! Unfortunately, this title seems to have strayed onto the low road of software development, with corners cut and seemingly been pushed out the door before it was ready.

The Experience:

Unquestionably, CFS 3’s biggest redeeming feature is its dynamic campaign. A rare enough sight in any sim, this one feature almost makes up for the shortcomings of the flight engine. The player selects a frontline sector from the map, which then provides a set of available missions that affect that sector. Player performance directly affects the course of the war in that area, including having some control over the ground war. As the front lines move back and forth, it becomes possible to deviate from history and shorten or extend the war. If it lasts long enough, new aircraft that were historically in the design stages when the war ended become available. This all sounds good, but the implementation leaves a lot to be desired. The immersion of the dynamic campaign experience is spoiled by the frustration of actually trying to fly the missions. Even ignoring the stuttering problems for a moment, missions seem to be scored as successes or failures based on arbitrary thresholds that don't always make sense. AI bandits don’t even ditch their drop tanks under fire – meanwhile, your wingmen won’t hesitate to shoot through your plane to get to a bad guy. Apparently the “don’t kill the flight leader” code got left out.

With all Microsoft’s experience in flight sims, we’re surprised at how weird the flight modelling in this title turned out to be. The aircraft are surprisingly difficult to keep in level flight, but even harder to stall or spin. When they do stall, they tend toward weird behaviours like climbing through several thousand feet while stalled. We once watched in disbelief as the shattered, wingless hulk of our Spitfire held altitude for several minutes after colliding with a Me 109, soaring, looping, and rolling like Patty Wagstaff on a bad acid trip. Amazingly, some of the worst points of CFS 2’s damage model have been carried forward as well. Case in point: flak damage. Even slight damage from flak is usually enough to damage aileron cables and take away almost all roll control. This is a mission-killer right there – you can’t fly and fight when the airplane suddenly turns into a lead brick the first time you get shot at.

The Graphics :

Graphically, this sim looks really good at the top end. We mean really, really good. Nice, fluffy volumetric clouds, great terrain, beautiful particulate effects in fire and explosions, and great use of reflection-mapping on shiny surfaces. It’s really too bad that nobody’s got enough machine to run it well with everything cranked. Turn it down enough to run decently on the average gaming rig, and it looks like every other WWII flight sim from the last three years. There are some nice post-mission animations of your pilot walking away from the airplane, etc., but we have to wonder if limited development time really pays off when spent on things that don’t enhance gameplay.

Sound effects are, well, limp. Engine and gun sounds should be impressive – very few things can match the crackling, spitting roar of a big radial engine pushed to the limit. As is all too common in flight sims, CFS 3’s sound effects fill the bill but don’t trigger any adrenaline rushes. There are a few nice touches – the whine of falling bombs or airflow suddenly whistling over a damaged airframe, for example, but they’re the exception.

The Good : Nice aircraft variety, dynamic campaign, interesting tactical focus, and some fun “what if?” possibilities. The graphics when cranked do look very good.

The Bad : Stuttering, CTDs on select machines*, poor damage modelling, fratricidal AI, and bizarre physics.

The Downright Ugly : See “stuttering” above. This sim jerks and jitters like a bunch of Republicans getting down at a church social. You can cut down on it by scaling back the graphics, but it ain’t pretty.

Conclusion :

In the end, CFS 3 is one of those games that get many things right, but get a few things wrong enough to break the deal. We could live with the mediocre AI, the poor performance, the weird flight physics, or the sub-par damage modelling. What we can’t live with is the combination of all these things in one sim, especially a title from an experienced team that has done excellent work in the past. In contrast to Microsoft’s civillian sims or previous CFS endeavours, CFS 3 seems rushed, unpolished, and just plain slipshod. Unless the Aces team patches this one up quickly, one might be best served going back to IL-2 Sturmovik for their WWII needs.
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline Russian

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those LW pilots are artists
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2002, 10:51:22 PM »
This is from: DDD_Tabaaha from  
AHH, as cfs3 is finally released i can post my personal review, waiting for the public release.!..  
Keep in mind that, if I got the gold, I ordered and paid for the game to be free to post as any other user.
<<>> . there is, and there will be tons of very good and sirup reviews, so i will NOT talk about the good sides of this game (THERE IS some GOOD THINGS in this game), many will do it at my place.  
I will only point to the bad sides, nothing in all of what I say is secret or private, everyone will notice it if he play with this game.
For me this game is a arcade game ,certainly a good one, I have some pleasure to play with it, as any new game, certainly nice, eye candy, with nice clouds, blah blah blah.. So dont waste your time to tell me i point only bad things, i am aggressive, not objective, etc, I KNOW IT.
I really hoped better from cfs3, I suppose if I didnt know nothing about this game thing could be different but I spent long time to test, write, talk, send wishes, to make this game better and my disapointment is big. I suppose it 's different for a user who will buy it and play with it today , I can understand it but for me it's like a anvil falling in my head.
Try to understand: if you wait for someone or something , if you ask for something, if someone ask your opinion, if you spend time & energy to give it, if you imagine, because people let you imagine things, if you hope, because people let you hope that what you say will be listened, and if you are disapointed, your disapointment is bigger than if you didnt hope anything. It's my case and it's why my post can be inobjective. except that, I only talk about facts and these facts are reality actually, even if things can change in future. It doesnt mean we wil not trying our best to create something in cfs3, we will but actually my anger is too big, this cfs is for me the worse of the 3 cfs.I wait for Forgotten Battles..
-Flight models :a BIG and BAD joke, even worse than cfs1. and no way to fix them accuracely, neither to create good ones for futur addons. which make this game defintively off for me.( as long as there is no solution).
- Why no accurate fm possible: no digital gauges , no flight datas recorder , no clickable gauges, and actually no way to create them with the new cfs3 engine.
no reload of the model when you change one small value in air file (you have to restart the game every time).. As I said before, it mean no addons (I mean high quality ones, not flyable 3d models) before a long time.
-There is so ridiculous errors and bugs in flight model that listing should be too long. just some eg: 12sec for a flat 360° with a tempest. looping and spins with a b26 loaded at 15% fuel and full ammos, pitch effect almost ridiculous in all planes. Stall effect are THE real joke of the game.
-Now DP is integrated to the gmax 3d creation, mean extra job for 3d designers (which are not often good DP designers) and no possibilities for others to create there own DPs.
- No way to adjust accuracely the coords of parts like gears, engines, fuel tanks, etc which influence of course the flight model, because no tools can load a 3d blueprint with the x,y,z axis shown (like dpedit), so you cannot , for instance place your engine at his correst xyz coord, and it the same for all parts of the planes.  
You can: if you are the original plane designer (and if you have the skill for that) or if the designer give you his gmax source files..  
-No window mode (mean no way to use and switch with external prog if needed)
- No map! can you imagine a sim in 2002 without map?
-No time compression .
-No 2d panels, only these 3d ones. and no way to add some actually and maybe never, i dont know..
-No nav instruemnts and no way to add them, no autopilot (real one I mean): forget the nice free flight over the rockies or MP bomb runs in norway.  
-No fuel managment, you cant no longer choose your fuel tanks, manage your fuel consuption with the gauges and with the mixture and prop. you cannot decide to empty one tank instead of another because plane could fly better in this way.. just take off and fight like any other arcade game.
-no magneto, or starter management with the clickable gauges.
- Still no overheat damage !! (discussed for one year between designers and M$ team.. "expected behaviour " is the standard response.
-Radar now limited to 8 miles (I KNOW, it's not a radar but an "eyeball" range, but it change nothing), it mean : without radar, map and nav gauges, the only thing you can do is to press the warp button or to follow your attributed waypoints (see below), no way to find your way yourself.
- No way to modify waypoints! can you imagine a flight game in 2002 where you cant modify them?
-No Addons sceneries, forget the fights over the grand canyon and the Rolf China meshs... you are limited to a 1400x1400km (if i remember)
-no module System. Module system was the way to get tools like CFO weather, FSUIPC, etc, the most needed tools for a real game, which was no included in cfs2 and neither in cfs3 , but now we cannot create them. it's the worse thing it could happen to cfs.
- Under a Ge force3 ti and athlon 1800 forget it..  
- Weather gestion by the user or host is really poor: eg: you cannot play with limited visib, 3 layers of clouds, two layer of winds, with a surface wind, in solo or in MP.. It WAS POSSIBLE in cfs2 with CFO.
-No mission Builder ....!
- No carriers....!
-No level bombing and no way to add level bombers ....!!
- Plane textures are still very poor: 512 ( I mean : on a 1024 bmp you have the two wings, res is very poor compared to our 1024 long wing for all BR2 planes, with a superior graphic quality, even in 3d panels))
- This damn rooky option for crimson skies lovers, which allow you to "repaint" (AND RUIN all addon paintjob) your plane with wing tips , fuse strip and pre-loaded nose art..
-in the solo mode: you cant finish a mission in landing on another of your bases, you have to go back you base, otherwise you have to quit the mission unfinished even if it's a success.  
Ground textures and water are not bad, but not exceptionel (see the shots of next sims which will come..!)
- (maybe fixed between the gold and the final but i doubt): In "hud" mode, you cannot see you planes when you move the view ! and you keep on the screen the gauges and the hud panel like you were in front view... !!!! submitted but not fixed, like ALL bugs above..
-Still no real "discussion" with AI wingmen, you cant give orders to your guys, we had it in the old EAW, in falcon 4 and in many sim but not here  
- Still No ground /air communication
-AI still have unlimited ammo & fuel I guess.!!  
- Big bug with FFb joystick.
-Gestion of trim is really.. weird, to stay polite.
-In a Ground attack, just put unlimited ammos and destroy all you can, after one hour of playing, maybe you will see four bandit in your 6, shoot them like a 5 year old kid and continue to destroy ground target, nothin will happen, , you should be able to end the war yourself..
-solo mode: Empty skies, boring missions, take off shoot/bomb, land..
-Globally AI is still SO STUPID than my 7 year old kid can play in dog fight during 25 minutes before being shot down ( by the flak genreally or by ramming).
-In MP:  
-Still no way to start on ground in dogfight mode !( discussed between freware designers and M$ for almost one year, ) you start at 5000 mini.
- No way to start each team on different bases.and you cannot add a dll like bill's one to do the job. (CFO weather)
-No AI with or against us in MP dogfight or team dogfight mode
-Rearm and refuel option once landed? FORGET IT, it was not needed (cf M$ team) so, no way to rearm and refuel.
-you cant go back RR and change plane, you are ejected to lobby, you have to crash the game to be moved in the ready room.
- Same if you crash in MP mission mode, you go back to looby, not in RR and have to rejoin the IP or server.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2002, 10:54:03 PM by Russian »