Author Topic: Understanding CV Posts?  (Read 94 times)

Offline MwKAZ

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Understanding CV Posts?
« on: November 17, 2002, 04:12:44 AM »
Have been reading the posts here for about 6 months, usually I read them like most and just keep going.  From the ones that constantly profess "Their rights for 14.95 a month" to the ones one the other end battling over the "game - sim" issue.

I just read and move on with day to day things.  No harm, no foul... it's not much more than reading the Letter's to the Editor page in the news paper.

But after reading a few of the last posts about CV usage (posts by Bodhi about Fariz  ---- MwDoody about rook CV's in the corner of the map) the same thing keeps coming up in these posts as in months previous about stategy knowledge.  In reading all of these it all seems that unless you are a long time player of AH and at the very least do better than others in your little corner of the sky, you don't have stragetic knowledge or ability.

Now admittedly in this game, I am between below average to dweebery in the computer flight game called AH.  Time online, multiple scoring areas and a few other factors = rank.  But it is hard for me to imagine that because I am less skilled in the art of AH flying that I (or others) do not or would not have strategic skills. Half of my flights are onway trips to begin with because my choice of fun which is going into outnumbered situations, base defenses or the ultimate so called dive in and see how long you can last outnumbered fights.

I would hate to think that over 20 years of military service which would include logistics, transportation, supply, plans/programs, actual combat deployments, and feild combat team command and control, it would in somehow make me less able to decide a course of military action of "wartime strategy/assests" because of my inability to fly a computer game and point score for rank better than someone else.

Now don't get me wrong, good, bad or indifferent.  There is not one person that knows me personnally, and I definitely think that most that I fly with or against are intellegent people.  But seeing how most of you don't know personnally others flying as well as their backgrounds,  who's to say that one person doesn't know how to strategis while another ones the "best".  It's a game, and even though your idea of what's best may be for you, but please don't go with the line of thinking that you know how it's done better than others.  At least not until they prove their inabilities in gaming.

Not whining or complaining and I definitely can't bash anyone (LOL, I'm on the lower end of the skilled flyers roster),  just seems the entire CV strategy control thing is getting to silly with muscle flexing.  Everything in the game was put there by HTC for use,  so everything should be available for use not taking to the side to hide for 3 days.  And besides, if it's that harmful or important of an asset for or against you, than strategically speaking, more effort should be put forth in protecting it in lieu of hiding it.

If you want it use it, if not let it go and move on to your thing.  Don't control because you think you know what others can or should be doing according to you.

Just a 2% insulted and 98% percent confused.

to all, and see ya'll in the skies on my 6

Offline Revvin

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Understanding CV Posts?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2002, 04:47:30 AM »
HTC gave the community a great tool in allowing command of the fleet but it's been ruined by those who would game the game. Perhaps it's time for HTC to take away that feature if the community cannot be adult enough to use it and program an AI fleet that sails where the frontline moves.

Offline SPIKER

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<S> MwKAZ, Revvin
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2002, 11:51:02 PM »
I have seen a reduction in the holding aside of the CV's for the last few days.  There seems to be several different thoughts on this matter.  I would agree with a system of fleet commanders who together making the choice where to move and deploy.  They can post missions as well, pulling together a good flight deck full and ready, guns manned.

Good Huntin