Author Topic: 5" shells never hit ground...  (Read 539 times)


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5" shells never hit ground...
« on: January 12, 2001, 03:30:00 AM »
I have noticed that if you try to lob a shell it will never hit the ground.

what I mean by lob is....well say you are like 9k form a base, insted of raising the barrel to about 30% to fire on it, you raise it to like 80% (almost straight up) and fire that way the shell goes the same distance and lands in same place but it is comes in almost straight down insted of at an angle, it is really useful when trying to hit a base on the other side of a large hill plus it would look really cool as the shells come out of orbit to rain down on their targets, I was trying it but it seems the shells "expire" before they hit the ground, kinda like the way bullets only go about 1.3 k then vanish.  

Offline Mighty1

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5" shells never hit ground...
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2001, 07:32:00 AM »
Not sure that is true. I always lose my shells right after I fire them and just have to look at where I think they will land to see the tiny dirt kick up. Sometimes it's real hard to see.

Is there some reason we cannot see our own tracers? It makes it real hard to shoot at something real far away when you can't see where your shots are going.
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5" shells never hit ground...
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2001, 03:45:00 PM »
I checked that mighty, I fired a salvo that should have landed all over a very near port and then switched to that port, never heard a round, never saw anything, they just never land, tried the same thing over water too, nothing ever landed, and i was only shooting 8k so even if a total miss occured (wich acording to the bearing and range it couldent) I would have seen SOMETHING.

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5" shells never hit ground...
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2001, 12:00:00 AM »
I have shelled nme airfields and ports with 5" guns, and do see small puffs of dust where
they hit.  If they come near a ground vehicle they burst in the air, otherwise they make a small explosion.  I would like to see ground hits as big as water spumes though, because it is hard to range your guns with barely visible dust puffs, and I think that they must have been more visible in RL.