Split S = roll inverted and pull stick back.
Break turn = roll to one side (direction of intended turn) and pull stick back.
Split S uses vertical plane, break turn uses horizontal.
Both of these manouvers are defensive, and remove more options from you than they will give.
Think of 'Energy' as 'Options'
Options = LIFE
Limited options makes you predictable, being predictable makes you easy to shoot. (ie....someone flying 100ft up, at 200 mph is pretty much dead if you are behind them, they dont have the option to use the airspace below them, you KNOW they arent going to dive away, and at 200 mph, he isnt going to climb a hell of a lot either, so that pretty much leaves him with the options of a] turn left
b] turn right.
Now, think about the possible moves an enemy might make if he is at 15000 ft, and 320 mph.......he can go up, down, left, right or any combination of those......much more options, much less likely that you will accurately predict what he is going to do, much less likely that you will be able to shoot him.
To GAIN options, climb or accellerate.
Climbing gives you the option to use the airspace below you, accellerating gives you the option to climb.
Situational Awareness (SA) is paramount, you simply CANNOT fight someone if you dont know where they are and what they are doing........Lose Sight, Lose The Fight.

Just thought that might help.
Ntice how a whole descriptive sentence can be condensed by use of jargon BTW.