Author Topic: Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder  (Read 419 times)

Offline guttboy

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Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder
« on: November 16, 2002, 01:09:13 AM »
Hi Guys I have several views set up for the MS FF Sidewinder using a key to switch so I have 2 sets of views...level and up.

Can anyone let me know if you can program I can toggle between other views?  Is this possible.  If so please let me know.

Thanks guys!:D

Offline MutleyBR

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Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2002, 04:51:48 PM »
Hi Guttboy!
I have Ms Sidewinder Precision 2 which, i think has the same buttons as your FF.
Views are norma for all hat swwitch positions, except forward. I programmed it for keys 8+5 on numeric pad.This way, when i push hat sw. forward i get an UP/FORWARD view. Great for following enemy in turns!
I programmed num pad 5 to button 7. Pressing button 7 I have straight up view. Pressing button 7 AND using hat switch at the same time I get 16 views, 8 horizontally plus 8 up. I don't think you need more than that...
Take care!!!!!
"If you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan properly."
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Offline guttboy

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Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2002, 04:59:46 PM »
Thanks mutley,
I am using your sight as well.....does it matter what plane that is in?


Offline MutleyBR

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Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2002, 05:37:25 PM »
Hi Gutt!
I forgot to mention, it is also VERY important to set pilot head position for EACH view. How to do it? The 4 keyboard arrows(not those on num pad, the normal cursor arrows) control pilot's head position. Forward/Back, Left/Right and Page Up(head up)/Page Down(head down). f10 fixes head position for that specific view.
Try this. Press back on hat switch(and keep it pressed) so you get a back view. Than press Page UP until pilot head is at max up pos, now press f10 to fix view. Do this for each one of the separate views. Experiment!!!
After fixing all views to your taste go offline, choose a terget on the ground, a hangar for example, do some truns around it, but don't let it go off screen... When you're able to do that, you'll dogfight much better. "Loose the sight, loose the fight"...
As to the gunsight all you have to do is to train offline with different planes. Planes with nose guns will have different results than those with wing guns.
Watch your 6!!!
"If you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan properly."
Nick Lapos, chief R&D pilot, Sikorsky Aircraft

"To go up, pull the stick. To go down, pull the stick back harder..."

Offline Shane

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Re: Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2002, 06:03:16 PM »
Originally posted by guttboy
Hi Guys I have several views set up for the MS FF Sidewinder using a key to switch so I have 2 sets of views...level and up.

Can anyone let me know if you can program I can toggle between other views?  Is this possible.  If so please let me know.

Thanks guys!:D

ok, you know you have a key to switch bewteen set 1 and set 2... now think real hard what you need to do to get a 3rd set.

did the light bulb go on?

now you need to select a button (or kb key if you desire - hell you could remap the numpad views for that little used 3rd set you might have) to toggle between 1st -or- 2nd set to the 3rd set and back to whichever you selected 1st or 2nd.

 2 buttons if you want to be able to jump from 1 to 3 or 2 to 3 (you already have 1 to 2).

imho, you'll find 2 sets of views being quite sufficient. 3 sets would be overkill and a waste of a button that can be more useful mapped as something else. rolling the plane while in 1 or 2 view set will be more efficient than a 3rd view set. with 3 sets you'll find yourself getting confused as to which view set your in and trying to get back to. K.I.S.S.  yanno?

 i have a MS SW ffb2 stick and i have absolutely 0 blind spots with 2 view sets... what you really need to do, as mutley stated, is to move the head positions around to get the desired coverage and then save each one with f10.
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Offline guttboy

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Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2002, 10:29:10 AM »
Did the light bulb go on...DID THE LIGHT BULB GO ON...

Lol the bulb has been dimly lit for a bit...heheh....thanks for the 3rd set idea....forgot about that one.  Preciate the help shane and mutt...

BTW do you guys run a throttle as well?  I saw the f16 looking one inthe store and it was pretty cool...can you run that with the MS FF SIdewinder as well?

Currently running a MS Strat Commander as my other controller

Mike:D :D

Offline MutleyBR

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Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2002, 11:08:02 AM »
Hi Guttboy!
I think a separate throttle for AH would be overkill. In a modern jet fighter or hellicopter sim(Jane's Longbow for example... I've been waiting for update on that one but it seems it won't come so soon...) it would be ok.
Just try to keep your enemy in sight all the time(well, most of the time) using your stick's hat switch and it'll be ok... The time scale and plane controls(not many) can be used easily via Keyboard. You need to release drop tanks? Press backspace selecting DT and press stick button 2. You need to drop a bomb press backsapce again fo B x and press stick button 2. You need cannons? Press backspace again to "cannon" and press stick button 2... You get the picture...
Save your money for a future video, processor or memory upgrade or a nice sound set with an active subwoofer... (Have you installed Mitsui's sound pack?)
The only accessory I need besides a good stick is a headset to have hands free for stick an keyboard.
BTW, this headset thing reminds me what happened some time ago... I am a DC-10-30F flight engineer. We were all using headsets trying to get a message on UHF and we were also having some sandwiches. Suddenly, the First Officer started spitting wildly. What happened? I asked... "I was biting the sandwich, together with boom mike..." he answered...
Another thing the head positioning thing and saving with f10 key has to be done for EVERY plane you fly.
Take care!!!
"If you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan properly."
Nick Lapos, chief R&D pilot, Sikorsky Aircraft

"To go up, pull the stick. To go down, pull the stick back harder..."

Offline guttboy

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Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2002, 11:23:00 PM »
Thanks Mutley,
I fly MC130s for the USAF and i have done the same thing with my boom mike off my David Clark.......LOL.  I will stick with what I have right now ...the system I have is a 2 gig with Nvidiea titanium with 64 megs of ram on it I think.  Get great graphics and performance.  Throttle would be cool though....hehehe always thinking about toys!

Appreciate the posts!


Offline San

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Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2002, 08:30:57 PM »
When I was still using my mpp ff stick I set my veiws like this

Map your standard 8 views and set head position first

then program one of the 4 side buttons to look up (say button 7)

while pressing button 7  your hat will still work giving you another 8 views

Offline airspro

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Programmed Views for MS FF Sidewinder
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2002, 03:18:00 AM »
Originally posted by guttboy
Did the light bulb go on...DID THE LIGHT BULB GO ON...

BTW do you guys run a throttle as well?  I saw the f16 looking one inthe store and it was pretty cool...can you run that with the MS FF SIdewinder as well?

Mike:D :D

I use USB CH Pro throttle , USB FFB 2 stick , USB CH Pro pedals , heres the link to a post I did showing my setup .

And yes having a throttle is damn nice in AH , 20 more buttons on the throttle , plus I use all 4 stick sets that AH has , 1 for fighters , 2 for bombers , 3 for gv's , and 4 for flying damaged .
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