I bought the Colletor Gift Set, I wanted the Bookends since iv been entranced with the argonoth since I first read the books.
The extended version is much better overall, Also they actually edit the movie to make it complete rather than just an extra footage chapter. Very good IMO.
One Change I like over the Books, I like the change of having Arwen meet the company on the road to Rivendale. It really does develope that character and Glorfindel is really a bit part anyway. I know die hard traditionalist probably hated it, but I felt it was a good choice.
One part I just hate. The Testing of Galaderial. Why in the world does her voice get all wacked out and you cant really hear the lines? The weird affects are also a bit strange. What a missed opertunity for the actress to really dramaticly deliver those lines. Galaderial was to become powerful in stature and even menacing, Not freaky. This scene could have used some great closeups and low angles and really captured it.
All in all, the extended Version is the one to have, the Movies are well done overall.