not so much pizza any more but hordes of those little brown cockroaches called the Ostwind. Shot some dweeb out of the sky, 1 click and he is at your runway quicker then you are. Yay AKspawnpoints! So you up in a panzer watching 75mm ap bouncing off his front hull while is is moving at 2k(never forget spraying) While in a panzer you must sprint and halt to shoot(wouldnt a 1 key halt command til you shoot like most tank games, even iPanzer44 for crying out loud had) any ostie is moving and spraying from 2k and punk! punk! you lose your track and hull gun in three hits while you saw 75mm AP bouncing off him! Composite rounds are evil! Why didnt the Germans just build osties? and those magic star trek cannon that never run out of ammo because they got a replicator. Or never have to reload!. Tray fed you say? Tray fed indeed. Ever wonder why the invented magnetic chess games o play while driving down I-10 to Phoenix? Cause normal road vibrations sends little pawns all over creation, yet osties spray and spray and spray while zooming along over bumpy ground !