Author Topic: Tips for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin?  (Read 680 times)

Offline Dowding (Work)

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Tips for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin?
« on: November 28, 2002, 04:22:50 AM »
Just bought the game a couple of nights ago.

There's something frustrating about it and I can't quite put my finger on it. All the finesse that it supposedly has, and all the individual unit characterstics just seem to boil down to how heavy and how blunt your attack is, in terms of deciding success or failure. Or is that just my heavy handed ineptness? ;)

Crossing open ground is an absolute pain in terms of the micro-management it requires. As soon as a heavy machine gun (or in fact any fire at all) starts heading the troops way, even veteren troops hit the deck and start sneaking away. Heaven forbid if there's mortar fire or arty action. :eek: Then each company loses its cohesion and I have to move platoons individually (a pain). When I try to bring armour up to engage those units pinning my men down, almost invariably an AT gun appears and smacks my armour into next week.

I guess that's kind of realistic - if I came under sustained fire from an MG, it's highly doubtful I'd continue my stroll across the grassland - but where is their fighting spirit? :D

Having said all that, I'm sticking with it. I think it will be rewarding in the end. When I get back online, does anyone fancy a PBEM or TCP/IP game? I'm sure someone would relish hammering me into the ground. Laz? Rude? Toad? Ripsnort? :D

Offline funkedup

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Tips for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2002, 10:53:17 AM »
I'll play you PBEM.  I have the game but haven't installed it yet, and this will give me an excuse.

I played CM:BO a decent amount.  

As far as crossing open ground with infantry you need the following:
1.  Smoke
2.  Speed
3.  Direct Suppressing Fire
4.  Indirect Suppressing Fire (Arty)

Smoke means you use arty (mortars are perfect) to provide a WELL TIMED smoke screen between your troops and the enemy.  You want the density of the smoke to peak as your troops are at the most vulnerable point.

Speed means (in CM:BO) that everybody is on FAST.  I think there are some different movement commands in CM:BB and I'm not certain which to use.  Whichever one gets you across the open ground the quickest.  Get them across and into cover as quick as you can.  The first unit across the open ground should immediately set up a base of fire for the following units.  Then regroup and take the enemy position.

Direct Suppressing Fire means you have to set aside part of your infantry force to provide a base of fire.  In a company scale attack that means your weapons platoon plus maybe one of your rifle platoons.  Sneak these units up (with the best cover and concealment you can find) as close as possible to the enemy positions, then have them all open up right before your charge begins.  You can move them across the open ground after your assault units have secured the enemy position.

Indirect Suppressing Fire means you use most of your arty (except for the units providing smoke support) to blast the hell out of the suspected enemy positions.  Barrage should start about 1/2 turn before you start your charge and should end right before your troops reach their objective.

Now obviously all of this depends on you having some knowledge of the enemy positions.  To get this knowledge you will have to think "where would I put my troops?".  You can then try shooting up these suspected defensive positions and see if the enemy reveals himself.  But often you have to do something to draw their fire.  This means a probing attack which may incur some losses for your side.

But it's not always required to know exactly where the bad guys are.  If you have enough units (and ammo) to lay down enough supressing fire, you can just fire at "suspected enemy positions" on the map and that will keep their heads down.  Remember, you don't actually have to kill them with the suppressing fire.  You just want the proximity and volume of the fire to be sufficient to keep them from focusing on shooting at your assault units.

There is a great scenario called "Grafenwohr" for CM:BO which teaches all of these things.  I'm not sure if there is a version of it for CM:BB yet though.


Offline funkedup

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Tips for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2002, 10:57:02 AM »
PS  It sounds (from your post) like you are doing battalion scale assaults.  Learn how to do it at a smaller scale first.  Find platoon and company scale scenarios and play those until you get it right.  Then take what you have learned and apply it to the larger battles.

PPS  You are going to have to move platoons (and squads) individually most of the time.  There is no way around it if you want to get the most out of your units.

Offline Saintaw

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Tips for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin?
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2002, 11:34:51 AM »
You might want to ask Hortlund too, I heard he quit his job at the Dept of Justice since he bought this game ;)

I'll get my hands on it one day or another too... played the 1st one & loved it. (yes... Stinkin' At guns!)
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline SirLoin

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Tips for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin?
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2002, 11:55:50 AM »
Another way to speed up the micro-management is to double click on a HQ unit..All units under it's command can then be given the same movement instruction with only 1 mouse click.

I played Nefarious a PBEM,it was great fun!I'd love to try a TCP/IP game if anyone is into it.


Offline Dowding (Work)

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Tips for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin?
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2002, 12:14:23 AM »
Thanks for the tips funked and SirLoin. I'm playing the Blitzkrieg operation at the moment, and I've tried some of things you were talking about. It requires alot of patience though - I tend to rush things and my poor men pay for it. :)

Anyways, if you give me your mail addies I'll email you when I get back online (I've just moved house). Shouldn't be too long, provided British Telecom get their arses in gear.

Offline funkedup

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Tips for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin?
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2002, 12:32:09 AM »

Offline Hortlund

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Tips for Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin?
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2002, 02:18:24 AM »
Two things to remember:

1) dont cross open ground when the enemy has heavy machine guns in the vincinity

2) learn the difference between the various types of unit movement, and use them.

If you absolutely must cross open ground under fire, do so using advance or assault. These two stances will get your men exhausted within minutes though, and exhausted men are more prone to the panic sneak you are talking about. Advance is where the troops make short sprints from cover to cover, while they are laying down covering fire too. Just like the normal fire and movement tactic all armies use these days.

Assault is something you use the last 50 meters when you want to close in with the enemy. Think of it as a bayonets fixed, guns blazing charge.

Both these increase fatigue alot. Both also gives some positive modifiers for morale.

If you are not moving under fire, use move to contact, or move
Move to contact is normal move, but the unit will immideately stop upoin spotting an enemy unit or coming under fire.

Move is a relaxed move, think weapons on the shoulder, walking causally.

Both those stances reduce fatigue, but if a unit takes fire while in that stance, they tend to react more strongly (they freak).

Run is something you should not do unless you really really have to.
Basically those units are just running, they cant see toejam, they take enormous damage if fired upon, and they get exhausted very quick.

Sneak is...well sneak really. Beware of that command though, a unit will go from rested to exhausted in 20 meters using the sneak command.