Author Topic: AH Scoring and Squads.......  (Read 416 times)

Offline K-KEN

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AH Scoring and Squads.......
« on: December 03, 2002, 10:42:54 PM »
Ya know, 3 years ago when I started flying AH and all was new and wonderful..........we had , maybe 5 planes, I thought......this is a great SIM.  Dale has something here.  How he handles the whiners and people who think it's too difficult or modelled incorrectly, is beyond me.  He is a GOD IMHO.

Now, mind you, I don't think we have maintained the professional and higher level of players that we had in the beginning, but we have more players.  Many of whom are ego maniacs, hosers, prolly a few cheaters, and then there are the folks who want to break the system or break the programming, just because they can.  :(

I am pretty saddened to see the "Score" boards used and abused by so many players.  They have porked the system and made it impossible for other folks to enjoy a personal or squad rating in that environment.  It's discusting to me that this is allowed.  But, as I stated earlier, HT/Dale is a GOD to me.  So I digress.  So, for many of you children that start a squad then it's disbanded once a month for your own personal gain or because you can, just to "screw up" the works, .........get the hell out of here.  We don't need your kind any more.  You are discusting people, and the gene pool would be better off without the likes of you.  :mad:

It was a nice tool that HT created for a purpose.  You have kicked dirt in his face, IMHO, and that means mine too.  Go make your own SIM, leave this one alone.  :mad:

P.S.  The number of Posts I have made was reset for some reason, so I am not new here.


Offline Pfunk

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AH Scoring and Squads.......
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2002, 10:55:00 PM »
I rate it a 5 could have been a 6 on the whineometer if you would have consulted Webster's on proper spelling.  DISGUSTING, not discusting

Offline spothq

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« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2002, 11:31:10 PM »
Yep, a 5 tops.

Offline BNM

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AH Scoring and Squads.......
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2002, 11:41:32 PM »
Sorry but this is a mere 4 at best. There's no real heart to it. That is to say it's not much of a whine with not much of an audience. No use of color or font size. Very small use of caps. The couple of "mad" faces were a nice touch and well placed but the entire whine is somehow lacking. The more a read it the more I think I'll have to reconsider. Yes I believe I'll drop her to a 3. Very weak indeed.

Offline K-KEN

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« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2002, 11:43:22 PM »
Thanks pfunk...........give an old man a break!  Is the "F" in your name a typo too?  Looks like you meant to say... punk!  But I digress.  I just checked the squad scoring page and your name doesn't appear.  
As a matter of fact......I can't find you anywhere.....back to tour 27!  What happened.........mommy won't let you stay up late and play?  You are a loser.........punk.  Nice troll though.  I thought you might be relevant.  You are not.  You are excused.  Get off my planet, you wormy piece of trash!  :rolleyes:

So many losers, so little ammo!


Offline spothq

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« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2002, 11:44:27 PM »
Ya have to give him credit for the elitist statement

"P.S. The number of Posts I have made was reset for some reason, so I am not new here. "

I rule! yes me!, and all you "Pre-Anything" people aren't as good and suck!

~ Yea, it could have been better.

Offline K-KEN

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« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2002, 12:06:57 AM »
Originally posted by Keegan
Ya have to give him credit for the elitist statement

"P.S. The number of Posts I have made was reset for some reason, so I am not new here. "

I rule! yes me!, and all you "Pre-Anything" people aren't as good and suck!

~ Yea, it could have been better.

Sorry.......I am not a good "flamer" or "whiner".  I just like things to be used as intended and not manipulated for personal gain or thrills.  The other replies have said volumns to me.  Everyone who flies AH has my respect, but there are some who abuse it too.  It makes the experience less satisfying, when this happens.  
Your opinions are always welcome, and I think you deserve to express them.  We all do not agree, and that is good.  

Pointing out the number of messages was not anything more than to say..........I have been here for some time.  Get over wasn't intended to be a bold statement.  That said, I have spent all the time I want or wish to reply to this and you.


Offline spothq

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« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2002, 12:13:20 AM »
*Pulls glove off left hand, raises it into the air, smack K-KEN across the face.

Offline Ack-Ack

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AH Scoring and Squads.......
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2002, 12:39:41 AM »
VERB: 1. To express negative feelings, especially of dissatisfaction or resentment: complain, grouch, grump. Informal : crab, gripe, grouse, kick. Slang : beef, bellyache, squeak. See FEELINGS, HAPPY. 2. To cry with soft, intermittent, often plaintive sounds: pule, whimper. See SOUNDS.

According to the dictionary, K-KEN's post does meet the definition of a whine but I still have to give it low marks.

Originality = 1.5
Technical Merit = 1
Artistic Merit = 1.3
Whine = 5 (only because he did meet the definition requirement)

Over-all Whine-O-Meter rating = 3.2

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Offline BNM

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« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2002, 01:51:15 AM »
I just like things to be used as intended and not manipulated for personal gain or thrills.

Then I bet you'll just love the new "Top Pilot" contest. :D

Offline SLO

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« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2002, 10:27:58 AM »
a "3"  for bein un-original......

a "1" for sniffin dale's butt..i think i'll let dale score that 1:D

a "2" for the smart-ass replies.....

just didn't get into his whine....


Offline crabofix

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AH Scoring and Squads.......
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2002, 10:36:04 AM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
VERB: 1. To express negative feelings, especially of dissatisfaction or resentment: complain, grouch, grump. Informal : crab

479th FG - Riddle's Raiders

How did I get involved in this Post????


Offline K-KEN

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AH Scoring and Squads.......
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2002, 12:49:13 AM »
Originally posted by Oedipus
AH was bound to change as it grew. And don't think that AH did not have people or squads who cherished thier scores and points. Just not as much, nearly as there is now!
 I used to think that the AW masses who came here when thier game when teats up were to blame.  People who played AW know what I mean if they recall the "points" and "score" focus by Gamestorm.  (Fighter Ace on The Zone used to do the same.)  I no longer figure the AW's are completely at fault.  They just made it happen here at AH a lot sooner.


Thanks Oed,
A reasonable response without the childish criticism and lame jibberish.  How refreshing.  Our Squad came from AW 3 years ago. We were AW and, a few, WB pielets that loved the effort and gaming.  We were formed in 1996 and have been having fun in everything we do.  We pride ourselves as being a pretty good squad, small, but we can hang with many of them.  Is score important?  Not really, but is it fair to everyone that a few pilots create a squad for a flight, then disband it?  It makes the stats watered down and  A.F.U,  for all players in AH.  The new and old.  

My only reason for posting was that I have an opinion on this and I expressed it.  Other folks replied.........some made me laugh, but mostly,  it remided me of the BigWeek mentality.  :(   So, I am moving on.  I will fly and HO or do what I can to prove that I am still a dweeb!  Nothing more, nothing less.  I know who my friends are here, and now I have found some other folks who may not warrant a "Check 6".  :D   Go Figure!  It's all relative.


Offline Saurdaukar

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AH Scoring and Squads.......
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2002, 02:01:22 AM »
Wow... this is the first time Ive ever posted this... I can no longer prod at those who do so...

Good sir, THAT was a whine and a half.


I give it an 8... definately well thought out and the frustration is apparent in the "tone" of the type.  You lesser whiners have alot to learn from this guy.

Offline Modas

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« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2002, 09:17:32 AM »
Yep, KKKKKen makes us proud, too bad he hasn't learned to read a map yet and we HAVE to get him outta the Niki and into a REAL plane.  Sorry Ken, just HAD to get my shot in :D

Unfortunately, I have to agree with KKEN, there is manipulation of the system going on and as it stands, there ain't much that can be done about it.  Oh well its a game (sim) and ya gotta take the good with the bad.  Eventually the gamey gamers will get tired and leave, the rest of us "simmers" can be happy once again.