Author Topic: a couple of puter questions  (Read 403 times)

Offline Corrs

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a couple of puter questions
« on: December 02, 2002, 06:22:17 PM »
I have noticed that when watching Direct TV, it has a second or two delay over cable tv. Now looking at Satellite modems vs. cable, 56k, ect. Is satellite connections not good for internet gaming due to a delay, if one, with satellite internet?

next, my monitor has become some what blurry. It's been this way for about a month, hasn't gotten any better nor worse. Is my monitor about to blow, or is it my voodoo 5500? And yes I have cleaned the screen and my eye sight has not changed :cool:
The Flying Circus
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Offline bloodstain

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a couple of puter questions
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2002, 01:43:33 AM »
satellite is only good if you cant get DSL or cable IMO. It also depends if you have a two way reciever or a one way system. The two way is much,much more expensive due to the fact that it works faster than the single. The single way you get the internet signals comming down to the dish at pretty fast speeds, but the upload is done using your plain old 56K modem!:(  So if you go satelitte try to get the 2way as it utilizes a faster upload(no 56Kmodem)the data stream is beamed down to you and then your data is beemed back up!

Satelitte also does tend to have a delay but I don't think it is all that big.

As far as your monitor being blurry, do you have any onboard graphics on your motherboard? If so try uninstalling your vodoo and run on the onboard graphics, if its still blurry then their ya go get a new monitor. If not new video card time! Vid cards are becoming quite cheap nowadays anyway so either way Good luck!:D

Offline flakbait

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a couple of puter questions
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2002, 02:10:57 AM »
Currently satellite access has a 1200ms (1.2 second) delay between your computer sending the request and getting the data from the server. Your system sends the request and the server gets it 600ms later; just over half a second. Then the server beams up the info you wanted, which takes another 600ms. Because of this it's nearly impossible to play 'net-based games; the access and response times are too high. Plus (if that wasn't enough) any heavy solar activity will frag the connection. Several times we humans have had our satellites banged up by intense solar flares. It's knocked out satellite phones several times in the past. So no, for net based gaming a satellite system is far from a good way to play.

Your monitor might need a degaussing. Check the front of it for a button that opens up some sort of on-screen menu. Rummage through that to find the option and degauss the screen. Only takes a second, doesn't damage anything, and should de-blurr your monitor.

Flakbait [Delta6]
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Offline Dingbat

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a couple of puter questions
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2002, 10:04:25 AM »
What resolution are you running?

Offline bockko

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a couple of puter questions
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2002, 09:48:19 PM »
when i was in the market for broad band the only service available was sprint broadband. while in the order process i mention my intent to use the connection for a flight sim...the nice lady stopped and said "oh, you don't want sprint..we have high delays..i know because i am a gamer also...." needless to say i waited for the cable company to come through. Is the wireless option viable? it is if you are not worried about ping times, as said earlier you will get over 1k routinely...but if you have crummy dial up at over 2k, well then its an improvement!

connection blues surely bite

later, bockk

Offline Corrs

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a couple of puter questions
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2002, 07:16:53 PM »
Flakbait, my monitor doesn't have any sort of menu on it, just a screen size and postioning buttons, and 3 nobs for volume, brightness and contrast. The blury screen seems to get better the longer it runs. Its only for the first 10 minutes or so that you have to squint to see words.

Running 960x720 resolution

thanks for all the other info on internet connections ya'll
The Flying Circus
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