satellite is only good if you cant get DSL or cable IMO. It also depends if you have a two way reciever or a one way system. The two way is much,much more expensive due to the fact that it works faster than the single. The single way you get the internet signals comming down to the dish at pretty fast speeds, but the upload is done using your plain old 56K modem!:( So if you go satelitte try to get the 2way as it utilizes a faster upload(no 56Kmodem)the data stream is beamed down to you and then your data is beemed back up!
Satelitte also does tend to have a delay but I don't think it is all that big.
As far as your monitor being blurry, do you have any onboard graphics on your motherboard? If so try uninstalling your vodoo and run on the onboard graphics, if its still blurry then their ya go get a new monitor. If not new video card time! Vid cards are becoming quite cheap nowadays anyway so either way Good luck!:D