Toad, Britain has had gun control for 70 years or more. It's worked, in that very few people are killed with guns, and Britain has one of the lowest murder rates in the world (despite having one of the highest crime rates in the world)
Most guns used by criminals are stolen weapons in any case
Doesn't that prove the point, that criminals get their guns via legitimate owners, wether by onward sales or stealing doesn't really matter. If the law abiding citizen didn't sell his gun, or leave it lying around, the criminals would find it much harder to get guns.
Yes... you have to go through the whole background and regestration fiasco even if you sell your gun to your mother.
What if you don't? What if you simply report the gun lost or stolen, or simply don't report the change in ownership at all?
Do the police check that you still have the guns you bought?
From a couple of quick net searches, it doesn't seem very difficult to remove the serial from a gun. Seems thre are quite a few people out there buying guns, removing serials, then selling them to local criminals.
What EXACTLY do you believe that we... in this country... should do about our right to keep and bear arms?
Do whatever you like. I've never even
been to America, what you do with your guns doesn't affect me in any way.
What laws would you enact in the U.S. and why do you feel that they would be effective?
I wouldn't enact any laws. That's a politicians job, and I've never wanted to be one of those.
What I think you could do to make a differenc to firearms crime is register handguns, and licence the owners. Lose a handgun, lose your licence to buy any more. Sort of like the old British system, where anyone who wanted a gun licence, who wasn't a: insane, or b: a convicted criminal, could get a licence, and buy as many guns as he wanted. He had to have a safe place to store them, like a proper gun safe.
If he lost a gun, he would be deemed too irresponsible own them, and would lose his licence. Given that a child can find a lost gun, that sounds fair enough to me.
If he wanted to sell it, he had to transfer ownership to another licenced owner, and the gun would still be tracked.
It ensured guns couldn't get sold to unlicenced users. They were rarely stolen, because of the proper gun safes that were a prerequisite for owning a gun.
Are you prepared to just let the U.S. citizen be victimized by criminals and if so.... why?
They are already victimised by criminals. Certainly some crimes are stopped by guns, but many more are comitted with guns, and many people are killed with guns.
Who's more victimized, the woman walking down the street who has her bag snatched by a man who runs past her, the woman who has a gun pushed in her face and is forced to hand over her bag, or the woman who is shot by a mugger?
Street robberies are common in Britain, but in most cases they consist of bag snatching.
Robberies with firearms are common in the US.
In the UK in 2000. 34 people were murdered during a robbery or other theft. In the US, which has around 6 times the population, the figure was 1,200
There was allways a penalty involved... I mean... the guns didn't just go away... they are still out there
No, they aren't. What happened in Britain and Australia was guns were bought back, and destroyed. There are simply less guns out there.
it was the penalty not the ban. You would get exactly the same results if you simply increased the penalty for gun crime without reducing the availability.
No, criminals break the law. That's what they
do. If the severity of the punishment was the determining factor, the US, with the death penalty, would have one of the lowest murder rates in the world.
Do you think the guy who shot his friend over the beer was thinking about the consequences? Do you think a crack head, desperate for a fix, is thinking about the prison time he might get? If criminals thought about consequences, they wouldn't be criminals anymore.
America's longer prison sentences work not because of the deterrent effect, buit because the prisoners are behind bars where they can't commit crimes against society.