Author Topic: Need away to eject players from mission  (Read 239 times)

Offline Samm

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Need away to eject players from mission
« on: December 11, 2002, 10:53:47 AM »
Last time I made a mission 2/3s of the players that joined took off at varyious times and did what ever they wanted . Which is bad because that wastes mission flight slots, and they're blah blahing on mission channel . Don't ask me why they joined a mission in the first place . I don't think I will try using the MP in MA untill there is a way to keep out mission crashers .

Offline hazed-

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Need away to eject players from mission
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2002, 08:49:31 AM »
samm why dont you just ask them to do as you ask as you made the mission for this purpose?

if they start saying they dont give a watermelon then im sure the guys in the mission who ARE trying to follow the plan will soon tell them they dont like it either.
I make many missions and im often bawling out people for ignoring flight plans but most of the time these guys are new and dont know how to follow a route or fly in formation.I tend to ignore them if they dont respond unless they are giving away a position or something.
Also if they take up precious slots you'll have to start adding a few more spots so you can account for wastage to these people.

I try to get a few people i can rely on in each flight (like squadmates or drunky, saw,or squads like dmd's or FB's) so i know at least 1 or 2 will do whats asked.You will have to learn to do the same :)

Also you need to make sure they all know the plan as they are waiting for the start.If its NOE keep saying it in text. Make sure flight description has the TARGET in it, Use different planes for different targets so you can direct them easier, ie

'all 190s hit VH, all me110s hit Town, all p47s hit Fighter hangers'

this makes it clearer to the newbies and helps keep the flocks together.

oh and remember BAWL EM OUT if they dont follow the mission plan!!! :D

you took the time to make the mission samm, you have every right in my eyes to have a go at those who are spoiling it.

Offline Samm

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Need away to eject players from mission
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2002, 09:41:41 AM »
Of course the first thing I do is ask them to follow the plan . This inevitably is met with jeuvenile MA replies . It would be much more convenient to circumvent the whole hassle and just drop them from the mission .

Offline guttboy

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Need away to eject players from mission
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2002, 08:26:47 PM »
If you are referring to the Rook mission that was made yesterday on the Pizza Map then I was one of the guys that bailed on you.  My rationale is as follows.  1)  The base we were going for was in the midst of enemy fields and our bases closer to HQ were getting overrun.  2)  No clear guidance was given to the 190's (which I was flying).  3)  Flexibility is the key to airpower so in order to be successful we have to react to situations as they develop.

On the Vox issue....The vox channel that was given was My squadron's vox channel.  This was offered up because the mission planner did not come up with a vox channel.  If there is banter on the channel then it must be tolerated because not everyone there was on the mission.  If you want a clear mission vox channel then pass one out when the mission starts.

Don't get me wrong I like missions and I participate in them about a third of the time.  But if the situation warrants  I will bail to help out the cause.  As for taking up "valuable" mission slots a good solution is to make each flight have 20 planes or so.  Then you are not "Wasting" them.

If I was involved with your mission as a Rook then please feel free to respond....if I wasnt there then this post from me is kinda invalid but my two cents worth.

Offline Samm

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Need away to eject players from mission
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2002, 08:42:27 PM »
No that wasn't my mission .

Offline guttboy

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Need away to eject players from mission
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2002, 02:28:37 AM »
Thanks Samm,
Sorry to hear that your's got messed up.  But realize that sometimes if the situation warrants it, guys will leave.  Leaving just for the sake of ruining your mission is poor sportsmanship at best.  Good luck in the future!