Author Topic: Spending perks in defense of Bishland  (Read 151 times)

Offline davidpt40

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Spending perks in defense of Bishland
« on: December 14, 2002, 09:34:32 PM »
Feeling heroic after shooting down three C47s, and Bf110 and P51 that were on a low-level mission, I decided to scan the map for some flashing bases.  CV54, cruising in some waters inbetween a friendly and enemy island, appeared to have some bogeys inbound.  I hopped in a F4U4, 75% fuel and wepped off the deck.

I was able to climb to about 12,000 feet before spotting the bandit- An F6f.  I assumed he was carrying full ordinance, but couldnt be sure.  Putting the good of the nation ahead of myself (as I always do haha), I decided to HO this dude in case he was carrying bombs (wouldnt be able to catch him in a dive, we were very near cv).  I opened fire at about 1.5k  *Flash flash flash*, I'm getting some hits on him.  Hey, whats that smoke?  A salvo of 8 rockets streaks past my canopy and both wings, barely missing my perk plane.  This dude isnt playing around!  At least I hit his oil, but hes heading on to the CV.  I split S and luckily catch up with him.  He starts to turn and I open up on him.  Splash one Hellcat!

I climb back to about 15k where I meet an enemy F4U4 co-alt.  We engage and I am able to get on this dude's six.  Hes good, and I cant get a shot without blacking out first.  I flip up the map-board and notice bogeys inbound.  I disengage and go into a full power climb.  I see a fully loaded F4U-1d enroute to the CV, no doubt a suicide jabo.  I dive on him, scoring hits.  I black out, but I am sure I have shot his plane in two.  When I look back, he is still flying.  I am pretty sure he has dropped his ordinance though.

By this time a huge raid is inbound to the CV and nearby friendly base.  I engage the other F4U4 again, and am getting some good angles on him.  A F6f jumps me and I start some evasive maneuvers.  The -4 latches onto my six and sends me straight to my death.  Perks: -49.63

It doesn't feel so bad to lose perks if you actually do some good :)